puberty Flashcards
secretion of sex steroid hormones after regeneration fo the zona reticularis in the adrenal cortex is?
when does adrenarche occur?
age 6-8
when does gonadarche begin?
age 8
pulsatile gnRH is incr without phenotypic changes is what stage?
when breast bud development begins
thelarche begins when
breast buds are generated in response to _____
onset of pubic hair growth around age 12
pubarche normally precedes menarche by____
2 years
when does menarche usu occur?
age 12-13
how long does it take for regular ovulatory menstrual cycles to occur?
2 yrs
FSH is responsible for synthesis of____, whereas LH is responsible for synthesis of ____
estrogen; progesterones & androgens
vagine is ____cm at birth, grows ___cm during early childhood, incr to ____late childhood
4; 1; 7-8.5
after menarche what happens to uterine corpus: cervix ratio?
at what age does gnRH become enhanced during sleep
growth peak is ___years after breast budding and ___year before menarache
2; 1
sexual maturation typically takes____yrs
precocious puberty is defined as breast development before___, pubic hair before___, menstruation before____
age 7; age 8; age 10
multiple bone fracures, cafe au lait spots, gnrh independent precocious puberty
mccune albright syndrome
tx of choice for GnRH dependent precocious puberty
GnRH agonists
best assessment for skeletal maturation?
bone age
delayed puberty is no secondary sex characteristics by____; no menarche by____, no menses initiation ____after thelarche
13 yo; 15-16 yo; 5 years
most common cause of delayed puberty with incr FSH is
Turners syndrome
tx of turners
- GH initiated early
- estrogen when puberty would normally start
- delay progestins until Tanner stage IV
most common tumor assc’d with delayed puberty
hypoplastic olfactory tracts, no secretion of gnRH from arcuate nucleus, no breast development
kallmann syndrome
how to tx kallman syndrome
exogenous hormones or admin of pulsatile GnRH
most common cause of primary ameorrhea in women with normal breast development
mullerian agenesis
congenital absence of vagina, uterus, fallopian tubes; normal ovarian fxn
mullerian agenesis
present with pelvic pain and bulging bluish vaginal introitus
imperforate hymen
tanner stage: elevation of papilla only
stage B1
tanner stage: elevation of breast, papilla as small mound, enlargement of areolar diameter
stage B2
tanner stage: enlargement of breast & areola with no separation of contours
stage B3
tanner stage: further enlargement with projection of areola and papilla to form a secondary mound above the level of the breast
stage B4
tanner stage: projection of papilla only, resulting from recession of the areola to the general contour of the breast
stage B5
tanner stage: no pubic hear
stage PH1
tanner stage: sparse growth of long, slightly pigmented, downy hair, straight or only slightly curled, appearing chiefly along the labia
stage PH2
tanner stage: hair darker, coarser, and curlier; spreads to extend sparsely over the junction of the pubes
stage PH3
tanner stage: hair adult in type; spreads over the mons but not to the medial surface of the thighs
stage PH4
tannder stage: adult hair in quantitity and type
stage PH5