breast pathology Flashcards
what race has highest risk for breast cancer
Af Am
most likely located of malignant breast tumors
upper outer quadrant
what type of receptor has the worst prognosis
triple negative
single most important prognostic factor
axillary LN involvement
of types of invasive carcinoma, which is most common?
ductal carcinoma
2nd most common type of invasive carcinoma?
lobular carcinoma
stage 2 breast cancer has a 5 year survival of ____
what is the single most important prognositc factor
axillary LN involvement
early malignancy that fills ductal lumen without basement membrane penetration
DCIS presents with what on mammography
subtype of DCIS with ductal caseous necrosis surrounded by cancer cells
ezcematous patches on nipples that results from underlying DCIS
paget disease
large cells with clear halo
paget cells
what has the worst prognosis
invasive ductal carcinoma
firm, fibrous, rock hard mass with sharp margins
invasive ductal carcinoma
small duct like or glandular cells with collagenous stroma
invasive ductal carcinoma
bilateral with multiple lesions in the same location; orderly row of cells
invasive lobular carcinoma
what type of invasive carcinoma: fleshy, cellular, lymphocytic infiltrate, good prognosis
medullary carcinoma
what type of invasive carcinoma: dermal lymphatic invasion, peau d’orange, neoplastic cells block lymph drainage
inflammatory carcinoma
most common tumor in patients under 35
is fibroadenoma a precursor to cancer?
small firm mobile mass with sharp edges
small mass that grows in lactiferous ducts & beneath areola w/ serous/bloody nipple discharge
intraductal papilloma
is intraductal papilloma a precursor to cancer?
yes, incr risk for breast cancer
fast growing mas that forms from periductal stromal cells; leaf like projections, postmenopausal
phyllodes tumor
most common cause of breast lumps age 25-menopause
proliferative breast disease
incr acini and intralobular fibrosis; assc’d with calcification
sclerosing adenosis
patients >30 yo, incr in #epithelial cell layers in terminal duct lobules
epithelial hyperplasia
what pathogen is most commonly responsible for acute mastitis?
S aureus
post trauma, mass in breast with abnormal calcification
fat necrosis with giant cells