Psychological Explanation for SZ Flashcards
What is family dysfunction?
There have been attempts to link Sz to childhood and adult experiences of living in a dysfunctional family
Who proposed the Sz mother?
Fromme Reichman
What is the Sz mother?
A psychodynamic explanation based on accounts of patient’s childhoods- the mother is cold and rejecting and creates a family climate characterised by tension and secrecy
What symptoms can the Sz mother lead to?
Paranoid delusions and SZ
What is the double bind theory?
Family climate is important in the development of Sz- n particularly the role of communication within the family- the child finds themselves trapped in situations where they believe they are doing something wrong but they receive mixed messages about what this is
Impact of double bind theory?
Leaves children with a confused and dangerous understanding of the world which is reflected in symptoms such as disorganised thinking and paranoid delusions
What is expressed emotion?
The nature of emotions expressed to a patient by their carers is particularly negative E.G.
Verbal criticism and violence
Hostility- anger and rejection
Emotional over involvement in patient’s life
Support for family dysfunction?
Read et al reviewed 46 studies of child abuse and Sz and concluded that 69% of women patients with Sz had a history of physical abuse, sexual abuse or both - for men the figure was 59%
Berry et al?
Adults with insecure attachments to their main caregiver= more likely to develop Sz
Weaknesses in childhood experience studies?
Recall was completed after the patients developed symptoms of Sz so recall could be distorted- creates validity issues
Results have also been inconsistent when linking Sz and family dysfunction
Problem with schizophrenic mother?
Based on clinical observations and early studies look at crazy mothers which makes modern psychiatrists cringe
Lead historically to blame
What has led to the decline of such theories?
Since the 1980s there has been a shift from hospital care to community care- with emphasis on family support