psych people Flashcards
John Watson and Rosalie Raynor
Little Albert case study; classical conditioning; generalization
Ivan Pavlov
classical conditioning
Sigmund Freud
ID, ego, superego; defense mechanisms
Howard Gardner
MI (Multiple Intelligences) theory
Sternberg: Stanford-Binet
Developed theory of IQ
Albert Bandura
Bobo doll; social learning; imitation; modeling; vicarious learning
B.F. Skinner
Pioneered the study of operant conditioning
Edward L. Thorndike
First proposed the Law of Effect
Color vision theory; trichromatic
Edward Sapir and Benjamin Lee Whorf
Theory of Linguistic Relativity
Noam Chomsky
Language acquisition is biologically based; LAD
Elizabeth Loftus
Studies false memories, framing, eye-witness fallibility
Edward Tolman
Rat in maze exp. demonstrating cognitive map; latent learning
John Garcia
Conditioned taste aversion; bait shyness
Wolfgang Koehler
Chimp experiment to demonstrate insight learning
Breland & Breland
Instinctual drift; revert back to biologically-based behaviors
Paul Broca
Discovered area in left frontal lobe; speech production
Carl Wernicke
Discovered area in left temporal lobe; language comprehension
Jean Piaget
Schema; four stages of cognitive development
Albert Ellis
RET; ABC (Rational Emotive Therapy) (A: Activating Event B: Belief (either rational or irrational) C: Consequence (rational: leading to health consequences | irrational: leading to unhealthy consequences)
Solomon Asch
Conformity; “line” experiment
Martin Seligman
Learned helplessness
Stanley Milgram
Obedience to authority; “shock” experiment
Lawerence Kohlberg
Developed ladder of moral development
Wilhem Wundt
fathers of modern psychology. He distinguished psychology as a science from philosophy and biology. Ball drop test
Stanley Hall
established the first formal US psych lab. interests focused on human life span development and evolutionary theory. the first president of the APA
Mary Whiton Calkins
1st female president of APA. work informed theory and research of memory, dreams and the self. was denied a Ph.D
Margaret Floy Washburn
1st female to get a Ph. D in psych. known for her experimental work in animal behavior and motor theory development
Abraham Maslow
Created/thought of the hierarchy of needs, a theory of psychological health predicated on fulfilling innate human needs in priority, culminating in self-actualization
Dorothea Dix
advocate on behalf of the indigent mentally ill who created the first generation of American mental asylums.
Gustav Fechner
studied our awareness of faint stimuli and labeled them absolute thresholds
Ernst Weber
discovered the just noticeable difference; his law states that the just noticeable difference will vary depending on its relation to the strength of the original stimulus
Herman Ebbinghaus
experimental study of memory, and are known for their discovery of the forgetting curve and the spacing effect. they were also the first person to describe the learning curve
George Miller
founders of cognitive psychology, and more broadly, of cognitive science. they also contributed to the birth of psycholinguistics
Carol Dweck
known for her work on motivation and mindset
Phillip Zimbardo
Stanford prison experiment, which was later severely criticized for both ethical and scientific reasons
Leon Festinger
known for cognitive dissonance and social comparison theory
elizabeth kubler ross
she made the 5 stages fo grief outline
erik erikson
psychological development of human beings. He coined the phrase identity crisis
lev vygotsky
his work on psychological development in children. He published on a diverse range of subjects, and from multiple views as his perspective changed over the years
diana baumrind
clinical and developmental psychologist known for her research on parenting styles and for her critique of the use of deception in psychological research
mary ainsworth
her work in the development of the attachment theory. She designed the strange situation procedure to observe early emotional attachment between a child and its primary caregiver
Alfred Adler
inferiority complex His emphasis on the importance of feelings of belonging, family constellation, and birth order
Carl Jung
collective unconscious, archetypes,
Carl Rogers
among the founders of the humanistic approach in psychology
Aaron Beck
father of cognitive therapy and cognitive behavioral therapy
Mary Cover Jones
developmental psychologist and a pioneer of behavior therapy