ch 1 part 1 Flashcards
Wilhem Wundt
German physiologist. known today as one of the fathers of modern psychology. He distinguished psychology as a science from philosophy and biology. Ball drop test
Stanley Hall
established first formal US psych lab. His interests focused on human life span development and evolutionary theory. first president of the APA
Mary Whiton Calkins
1st female president of APA. work informed theory and research of memory, dreams and the self. was denied a Ph.D
Margaret Floy Washburn
1st female to get a Ph. D in psych. known for her experimental work in animal behavior and motor theory development
John B. Watson
popularized the scientific theory of behaviorism, establishing it as a psychological school. Little Albert
Sigmund Freud
developed an influential treatment process called psychoanalysis Austrian neurologist
Abraham Maslow
Created/thought of the hierarchy of needs, a theory of psychological health predicated on fulfilling innate human needs in priority, culminating in self-actualization
Dorothea Dix
advocate on behalf of the indigent mentally ill who created the first generation of American mental asylums.
the idea that what we know comes from experience, and that observation and experimentation enable scientific knowledge
early school of thought. used introspection to reveal the structure of the human mind
explored how mental and behavioral processes function, how they enable the organism to adapt, survive and flourish. (William James and darwin)
the process of looking inward to directly observe one’s own psychological processes
psych should be an objective science, observable behavior is important to study, not the unseen mental processes
humanistic psychology
historically significant perspective that emphasized human growth potential
cognitive psychology
study of mental process such as when we perceive, learn, remember, think, communicate, and solve problems
evolutionary psychology
study of the evolution of behavior and the mind, using principles of natural selection
positive psychology
the scientific study of human flourishing, with the goals of discovering and promoting strengths and virtues that help individuals and communities to thrive
biopsychosocial approach
interconnection between biology, psychology, and socio-environmental factors
biological psychology
scientific study of the links between biological (genetic, neural, hormonal) and psychological processes
psychodynamic psychology
branch of psych that studies how unconscious drives and conflicts influence behavior and uses that info to treat people w psychological disorders
sociocultural psychology
study of how situations and cultures affect our behavior and thinking
branch of medicine dealing w psychological disorders, practiced by physicians who are licensed to provide medical treatments as well as psychological therapy
clinical psychology
branch of psych that studies, assesses, and treats people w psychological disorders
basic research
increase the field’s knowledge base (biological, developmental, cognitive, educational, personality and social psychology)
applied research
to solve practical problems ( in industrial-organizational and human factors psychology)