Psych Flashcards
Destructive defense mechanisms (6)
Denial Regression Acting Out Projection Reaction formation Repression
Positive defense mechanisms
Paranoid personality disorder
pervasive distrust and suspiscion, reluctant to confide inothers
Schizoid personality disorder
detached, avoids close relationships, indifferent to praise/criticism
Schizotypal personality disorder
fascinated by unusual ideas, tangential, paranoid ideation
Antisocial personality disorder
poor job preformance, pathologic lying, sexual promiscuity, criminality
Borderline personality disorder
unstable relationships, emotional liability, impulsive
Histrionic personality disorder
center of attention, inappropriate behavior, changing and shallow emotions
Narcissistic personality disorder
grandiose sense of self importance, exaggerates status, lacks empathy
Avoidant personality disorder
avoidant for fear of critisism, preoccupied with rejection, feels inferior
Dependent personality disorder
difficulty making decisions without reassurance, needs to be accepted
Obsessive-compulsive personality disorder
preoccupied with details, lists, rules, reluctant to delegate
Onset <3 yrs
deficit in social communication/interaction
Restricted repetitive patterns of behavior
Onset 1-4 years Loss of speech and hand control Girls MR, ataxia, hand-wringing Sleep disturbed by screaming episodes
Rett’s disorder
Onset 7-9 years
Fear of separation from home or parent
separation anxiety
Onset less that 8 ys
hyperactivity and poor attention span
limited impulse control
Onset <13 yrs
pervasive behavior violating the rights others
Conduct disorder
Stable mood with 2+ week episodes psychosis
Major depression or bipolar baseline
Schizoaffective disorder
Bizarre or nonbizzare delusions
No other features of psychosis
delusional disorder
Early stages of schizophrenia
Schizophreniform disorder
How long do major depressive episodes usually last?
6-12 months
Difference between PTSD and Acute distress disorder
PTSD: experience event afterwards, increased arousal
ASD: dissociative symptoms
Difference between factitious disorder and malingering
factitious disorder: primary gain (medical attention)
Malingering: secondary gain
Euphoria/depressed Miosis Bradypnea hyporeflexia Decreased bowel sounds
opioid toxicity
Slurred speech
Sedative Toxicity
Bradycardia Confusion Miosis Hypertension Fasiculations, weakness Diaphroesis Diarrhea Salivation
Cholinergic toxicity
Tachycardia Ataxia Slurred speech nystagmustachycardia hypothermia disinhibited stupor
Alcohol intoxication
high temp mydriasis hyperactive bowel sounds clonus of reflexes Agitated
Serotonin syndrome