PSYC228_Chap13 Flashcards
middle age relative to
average life expectancy at birth
= 40s + 60s
life expectancy
average # of yrs a person can expect to live?
exercise + nutrition
= same benefits as earlier in life
also significantly slow normal biological aging/ senescence
by mid-life almost everyone experiences some signs of dec in key physical systems
nervous system in middle adulthood
brain volume dec
mor variation in mid-life brain health
dec brain volume = dec executive functioning skills + ability to make decision, plna, organize, + focus attention
smokers brains
shrink mor rapidly than non-smokers
brain shrinkage risks
high bp
high cholesterol
executive functioning
information-processing skills involved in problem solving + strategy design + execution
even though shrinking adult brain is
capable of learning new things
why can brains demonstrate plasticity + capacity to rebuild + recover after insult
due in part to ability to produce new neurons from neural stem cells - neurogenesis
process of generating new neurons from stem cells
obesity is linked to what cognitive diseases?
bone resorption
process of bone cells breaking down + transforming into a fluid substance that enters blood
process thru which bone remodelling occurs
in middle adulthood, bone less
starts to outpace bone replacement
- begins conti process of skeletal dec into later adulthood yrs
women tend to lose more bone density than men partly bec of smaller bones but also
menopause-related dec in hormone estrogen causing post-menopausal women to develop fragile bones
bone loss is greater for people who
don’t engage in weight=bearing activities - activities you do on your feet that works bones + muscles against gravity
hiking, walking, yard work
muscle strength peaks in
early 30s
process of skeletal muscle loss due to aging
age-related muscle loss
muscles can get more
flexible with age
concentric movement
contraction of muscles during physical activity
eccentric muscle movement
lengthening of muscles as they return to original position after stretching
2 ypes of muscle movement
concentric - contract to lfit object
eccentric - muscles lengthen/return to original position like when putting something down
as we age, concentric strength may be lost, but
eccentric strength is maintained quite well + may even inc
small spots on face, arms/exposed skin
age spots, livers pots, solar lentigines
from yrs of sun exposure
mostly not dangerous, but
can signifity skin cancer
epidermis + dermis
change due to aging
what processes cause skin to lose elasticity + become dry + wrinkled + cracks
of collagen cells dec in dermis + sebaceous glands work less efficiently
best way to slow = exercise bec sweatign keeps skin soft + elastic + diet