Pros Terms Flashcards
What is border moulding?
Shaping of impression material by manipulating the soft tissues
What is the Ala tragal line?
Ala of nose to Tragus of ear
What is centric occlusion?
Maximum intercuspation of teeth
What is centric relation?
This is a jaw position
Retruded relation of the upper and lower jaws when consuls in upper most posterior position in glenoid fossa
What is curve of monson?
Imaginary line drawn from buccal and lingual cusps of teeth on one side of the arch to the other side forming a coronal curve
The circle is 8 inches with the centre being the glabella
What is the curve of spee?
All cusps in the lower posterior teeth in the Sagittaal plane conform to an imaginery AP curve
What is the name for the curve of spee in completes?
Compensating curves
What is the freeway space?
Space between the rvD and the OVD
What is a foxs bite plane?
Used to determine the horizontal and ap planes
What is the Occluding face height ?
When patent close teeth together in centric occlusion
What is the post da,?
Part of the denture that provides contact between the posterior border of the denture and the tissues to provide a seal and prevent ingress of air
What is the rest position of the jaw?
Relaxed position of the mandible when there is no contact between the upper and lower teeth
What is the willies bite gauge?
Instrument used to measure the resting and Occluding face height
What is the curve of Wilson?
This is the occlusion which is convex upwards
The upwards curvature of the mandibular and maxillary occlusal place when viewed in the coronal x section
Which teethh are set up in accordant with with the curve of Wilson?
The first premolars so they do not produce any interference in lateral excursions
What is Williams classification?
This is to do with face arch and tooth shape
Three types:
1: square: sides of fade and teeth are parallel
2. Tapered
3. Ovoid: the zygomatic are the widest point on the face
What is balanced occlusion?
Simulatanous contact between opposing artificial teeth on both sides of the dental arches, it is a static situation
What is balanced articulation?
Dynamic situation where there are bilateral Simulatanous contacts of opposing teeth in central and eccentric positions of the mandible