Jaw Registration Completes Flashcards
What can you use if you want to keep the labial profile of the upper denture the same as the old?
Alma gauge
What is the purpose of thr bite stage?
Create correct outline of the upper denture
Record Intermaxilliary relations
Select tooth
Which rim do you trim first?
What do you adjust first on the upper Rim?
You must trim the occlusal height to ensure OVD and RVD are correct
This should be done with the lower in situ
How should the RVD be obtained?
With only the lower denture in situ
Once you have adjusted the OVD and RVD what is next on the upper denture?
Post dam
Trim the labial support and restore vermillion border. Should be 1-2mm tooth at rest showing
Adjust occlusal plane using fox guide plane and ensure posterir teeth are parallel to ala tragal line and the anterior teeth are parallel to inter pupillary line
Mark centre lines and canine
Form buccal corridor
Once you have adjusted the upper rim what is next?
Trim the lower to fit around the upper rim so that been contact in RAC at correct OVD
Ensure both rims are in neutral zone
Mould and shade of teeth
T/F there should be a gap between the Lower rim buccal surfaces and the cheek?
How do you record the relationship?
Cut V notches on the upper rim in the premolar molar region and then place softened wax on the lower and then bite down
What type of occlusion are complete dentures set up in?
Balanced occlusion and balanced articulation
Even contact in all excursions
Maximum intercuspation
Acceptable OVD
What are the five factors when considering the posterior occlusion in compete dentures?
Hanus quint
Incisal guidance angle Condylar guidance angle Orientation of occlusal plane Cusp Angulation Slope of compensating curve
What is the incisal guidance angle commonly set to?
Condylar angles are usually set to what?
30 degrees
How is the occlusal plane set?
By trimming the upper occlusal rim
Ie by the clinician
What are the cusp angles set to?
Usually set to 20’degrees
What is the compensating curve?
The technician will introduce this when setting up the teeth and is more of a concern for non anatomical teeth,
The aim is to mimic the curve of spee and monson that exist in the natural dentition
How should you trim the cusps of the teeth?
BULBuccal upper lower lingual
What is posselts envelope?
3D depiction of the mandibular movement capacity
What is the upper border of posselts limited by?
Tooth contact
What does 3 refer to on posselts?
Maximum protrusion
What is the line drawn from 1 through to 3 indicate on posselts?
Protrusion guidance
What does ICP indicates?
Maximum intercuspation
What does RCP indicate?
Retruded contact position
What does RCP to 5 indicate?
Retruded arc of closure
Rotational opening about the terminal hinge axis
What does 4 indicate?
This is where there Maximila opening of the jaw
Which line dictate the normals arc of oelning and closing?
ICP to 4
What is along the ICP to 4?
Rest position
What is RCP to ICP?
Slide down defective contact
What are the feature of occlusion in natrual teeth?
RCP to ICP is about 1mm difference
On protrusion there is posterior disclusio
Laterally: canine guidance or group function
Non working side interferences
Before inserting the denture what should you check?
Fit surface
Any sharp projection
Overextension into any boney or soft tissue undercuts
Pressure points
How can you asses the support?
Press on the occlusal surfaces of the premolars and assess for any pain or use a cotton wool roll and ask patient to bite
What can you use to check retention of lower denture?
Probe test
What may an excess OVD results in?
This is insufficient FWS
- Increases trauma to tissues
- Clicking of teeth during speech
- Speech problems and difficulty bringing lips together
- Painful mucosa
- Poor aesthetics
- Muscle soreness mainly mass esters
What happens if there is insufficient OVD?
Pateint looks over closes
Lackvof support for angles of mouth: angula chelitis
Reduced masticatory effeciency
Poor aesthetics
What is the AP relation for the the Intermaxilliary relationship in denture?
ICP should be equal to RCP: otherwise this will lead to movement and disrupt peripheral seal
How can you assess the occlusal plane?
Anterior plane: needs to be parallel to the inter pupillary line
Posterior plane: parallel to ala tragal line
Plane of mandibular teeth:tongue should ideally overly he lingual aspects of the lower teeth to aid stability
What are the three relationships of the mandible to the maxill?
Mandible in rest position
Mandible in retruded
What are the factors that will affect the mandible rest position?
Head position Loss of teeth Denture or other items in mouth Emotional tension Medial conditions Drug therapy
Why is the centric relation good to record?
It is a jaw relationship and not tooth this it is reproducible
When is CJR necessary?
When there are the no inter occlusal stops
What do we use to record the CJR?
Wax rim and baseplate
What are the temporary bases?
Thermoplastic resin:
PMMA light cured and auto polymerisable
VAccum formed PVA
Baseplate wax
What are the permanent bases made from?
Processed resin
Cast alloys eg CoCr
What are the requirements for occlusal rims?
Well adapted to master cast
Stable on cast
No more than 1mm thick over the residual ridge
2mm thick in post dam area
2mmthick in lingual flange area of lower
Easily removed from cast
Smooth and rounded
Constructed in materials that are dimensionally stable in mouth