Immdiate Denture Flashcards
What are the advantages of immediate dentures for the patient?
Preservation of Appearnce Can duplicate shape colour and arrangement of natural teeth Occluding face height maintained Neural zone maintain Minimal speech impairment Minimal loss of masticatory efficiency
What is an immediate denture?
Constructed before teeth are removed and inserted immediately afterwards, can be complete or partial
What are the advantages of immediate dentures for the dentist ?
Reproducing vertical dimensions easier providing there AR at least 2 opposing teeth to provide occlusal stops
Maintenance of neutral zone
Maintenance of pleasing appearance
Protection of tooth socket
What are the disadvantages of immediate dentures?
Extra clinical visits needed
Extra cost for replacement denture
Trial stage not possible
Tends not to fit as accurately especially if been diffucult extraction
What are the contraindications for ID?
- Some systemic medial conditions will require liaison with medical colleagues eg haemophilia
- Gross oral sepsis
- Radiotherapy
What are the two types of immediate dentures?
- Ones stage extraction
2. Stage extraction
What is the one stage technique ?
Teeth are extracted in one visit both anterior and posterior and then the denture is fitted on the same apportionment
What are the advantages of the one stage technqiue?
AD: Good for dental phobics or someone requiring cardiac surgery or surgery soon
Dis: tends to result in rapid loss of fit
What is the two stage technqiue?
Two versions
- All posterior teeth extracted and sockets allowed to heal for at least three months and no denture then after three months make an immediate denture which will also include the anterior teeth
- Extarct posterior teeth and for immediate partial denture and then after several months immediate addition to that denture for anterior teeth
Always make lower first
What are the three designs for immediates?
Fully flanged: should always try for this option
Open faced
Partially flanged
Whag are the ad and dis of flanged design?
Ad: aids stability, supports rline, gives strength, suitable for perio
Dis: may make lip very full, not suitable for excessive labial undercuts
What are the types of open faced design?
Gum fitted or socketed
What is the ad and dis or open faced?
Ad: excellent aesthetics initially and can use of excessive labial undercut
Dis: deterioration of aesthetics as resorption produces space around the necks of the teeth, retention not as good as fully flanged, difficult to persuade oateint to have fully flange design after, fractures easily
How do you make an immediate?
- Check pockets
- Primary imps and special tray
- Secondary imps
- Centric occlusal and OVD
- Wax trial
- Lab then convet wax trial to immediate by cutting off the teeth on the cast one by one at gingival margin. Artificial teeth added on and modified to fit the prepared sockets which should ideally be done with the aid of the clinician as they are aware of the state of the tissues
Post op instructions?
Verbal and written
Review at 1 day, 1 weeks, 1 months, 3 months and then consider re make
1 day and 1 week: remove denitr and check for overextension and reinforce dentine hygiene
1 months: consider cold cure acrylic reline
Immediate addition to existing dentures is done how?
Impression using alginate in stock tray with denture in situ and record functional depth of Sulcus in area of addition
Impression of opposing arch
(Occlusal registration)