Dupliactes Flashcards
What is a duplicate denture?
Intermediate relplica of the original denture which is then used to take a master impression record the CJR and then teeth cut off one by one and replaced to produce the trial denture
What is a copy denitr?
Freehand reproduction of the appearance of a denture following a model produced from an impression of the denture
When would you use a duplicate denture?
Previously satisfactory denture
Elderly and limited adaptation
When replacing an immediate denture where the position of the teeth are already known
How many surfaces are there to a denture?
Fish 1931 Fit Occlusal Polished Polished forces should conform to the shape and movement of the tongue cheeks and lips to minimise displacement
What is the rationale behind duplicates ?
Patients learn to adapt to control new dentures buy the process of adaptation
Changes to wear of the denture occurs due to habituation
And it is more unlike that with age they can cope with new set of dentures
Inability to adapt to new changes
What are the contra indications to duplicates?
No previously satisfied dentures
What are the ad and dis of duplicates?
Ad: easy, less clinical time, sutubale, domiciliar
Dis: not all labs offer, some charge more
What is rh technqiue to duplicates?
1; lab putty into custom tray that has been adhesived
- Clean and dry Dentures and push into lab putty so edge is flush with lab putty
- Once set place 3 locating notches
- Put Vaseline on the outer surface to act as separating medium
- Push a second layer of the lab putty on stop and squash down to with the top impression tray
- Remove dentures and lab then pour autopolymersising acrylic into mould
- Second imps taken in acrylic mould in silicone or zinc oxide need to make sure remove any undercuts
- If you want to increase OVD add wax to occlusal surface and record CJR
- Shade of teeth and check position of post dam
- Lab then set up teeth by cutting teeth one by one
- Try this in
- Process to finish
Which features is it possible to canoe when using copy techqniue?