Prok. and Animal Health Flashcards
Symbiotic Interactions (3)
Close interaction between 2 or more organisms
- Commensal
- Mutualistic
- Parasitic
No apparent benefit or harm to either member of the association
- Do not harm or contribute to normal health
- Protect us from infection
A pathogen that is able to produce disease
Feedcattle Opportunistic Parasite (1)
Fusobacterium necrophorum
Types of Parasitism (2)
1) Opportunistic parasites
2) Obligate parasites
What causes eukaryotes to become opportunistic parasites? (2)
1) Change in location
2) Diminished immune status of host
Types of Mutualism (2)
1) Resident Mutualism
2) Transient Mutualism
Resident Mutualism
Always present in organ or on surface
Transient Mutualism
Only present for short periods of time
What is a Rumen
Large pre-gastric fermentation chamber
General Rumen Pathway
Plant material –> VFA’s + Methane
[Ruminants] Bacterial that use cellulose as substrate, and produce what VFA’s? (2)
Fibrobacter succinogenes
Ruminococcus Spp.
Both produce: Acetic, Succinic VFA’s
[Ruminants] Bacterial that use Starch/soluble sugars as substrate, and produce what VFA’s? (2)
Selenomanos ruminantium (acetic, proponoic, lactic VFA’s)
Streptococcus bovis (Lactic VFA’s)
[Ruminants] Bacterial that use Starch/Hemicellulose/sugars as substrate, and produce what VFA’s? (2)
Butyrivibrio fibrisolvens (acetic, butyric, formic VFA’s)
Preveotella ruminicola (acetic, succinic)
[Ruminants] Bacterial that use Lactic Acid as substrate, and produce what VFA’s? (1)
Megasphaera elsdenii )Caproic, Butyric VFA’s)
Important Microorganisms in the Rumen (5)
1) Bacteria
2) Protozoa
3) Fungi
4) Archaea
5) Bacteriophages
Genera of Fungi (5)
1) Neocallimastix
2) Piromyces
3) Caecomyces
4) Orpinomyces
5) Anaeromyces
Cellulolytic bacteria release (2)
1) Cellobiose
2) Glucose
Negative Interactions
1) Predation (Protozoa/bacteria ; Protozoa/protozoa)
2) Pathogens (bacteriophages, mycoplasma, viruses)
3) Competition for space and resources
E. coli synthesize what and where(1)
Vitamin K in Intestine of ruminants
Synthesize Vitamin K
Help breakdown food
Assist in food absorption and waste processing
Intestine provides food for E.coli
Bacterial disease multi-factorial complex (3)
1) Host
2) Microbes
3) Environment
Entry of Organisms (6)
1) Exposure
2) Adherence
3) Invasion
4) Colonization and Growth (Back to exposure)
5) Toxicity or Invasiveness(Back to exposure)
6) Tissue Damage
Virulence Factors (3)
1) Cause direct harm
2) Invasins
3) Evade host defences
[Virulence] Causing Direct harm
[Virulence] Invasins (2)
Exotoxins: Cytotoxins, haemolysins, proteases, phospholipids, leukocidins
Endotoxins: LPS, pyrogenic, toxic shock
[Virulence] Evade Host Defence (4)
1) Flagella
2) Capsule
3) Siderophores (iron sequestering)
4) antiphagocytic, lytic proteins
Types of Adhesins (3)
1) Fibreiae
2) pili
3) surface proteins
Enterotoxigenic E.coli
Hypersecretory Diarrhoea in calves, lambs, pigs, and humans
Virulence factors for:
- colonization (Adhesins, siderophores)
Causes: Hypersecretory diarrhoea causing dehydration and acidosis
Bacillus Anthracis
Associated with herbivores (sheep, goats, cattle - sometimes pigs, humans)
Infection: Spore inhalation, ingested, cutaneous infection
Contains Endotoxin: Oedema and tissue damage
Spores survive in cyst form for years
Ingestion most common form of infection for rural outdoor animals
Clostridium botulunum Toxin: - acts peripherally at neuromuscular junction - prevents acetylcholine release - symetric, descending flaccid paralysis
Staphylococcus Aureus (Sa)
Can be MRSA
Antimicrobial resistance
Resistance to Beta-lactam antibiotis
Basis of Resistance (4)
1) mecA resistance gene
2) Located on SCCmec (staphlococcus cassette chromosome)
3) often NOT b-lactamase BUT often contains other ARG’s
4) Contains surface analog Penecillin binding proteins (PBP2a) preventing antimicrobials to reach target site
Zoonotic diseases (1)
Hendra virus
Nonsocomial Infection (3)
Non-infectious diseases (1)
Helicobacter cancer
Food and Water Borne Diseases (4)
Vector-borne diseases (1)