Primate Evolution Flashcards
What is science? (2 factors)
empirical and testable
3 part hierarchy in science
hypothesis, theory, law
What is a scientific theory?
Well established explanation of some part of the natural world. Includes facts, laws, inferences, and tested hypotheses.
Two important facts about scientific theories?
no amount of validation can make it a law
Definition of Evolution (word-for-word)
change in allele frequencies in a population over time
unit of evolutionary change
short time frame; genetic change within a species
long time frame, origin and extinction of species
Ptolemy (2)
earth at center of universe
earth very young
James Ussher (1)
earth created Sunday, Oct. 23, 4004 B.C.
Plato (3)
world of ideals
species based on fixed ideal type
one compares things to the ideal type to
recognize them
Aristotle (2)
“Scala Naturae” = order of the world/great chain of being/ladder of nature
humans at top (most complex)
use of ultimate purpose/design as means of explaining natural phenomena == organisms successful because they’re designed to be
Copernicus (2)
sun center of universe
hypothesis testing using empirical data
Galileo (1)
showed copernicus was right
Carolus Linnaeus (4)
binomial classification
away from “Scala Naturaw” toward tree of life
used common attributes to group organisms
grouped humans with other primates
Richard Owen (2)
homology - “same organ in diff animals under every variety of form and function”
ground work for common ancestors
Buffon (3)
earth > 6000 years old species change over time noted anatomical similarity between humans and apes = discussed possibility of common ancestor
Darwin was….
not the first evolutionist
Lamarck (2)
first to propose evolutionary mechanism (change through striving)/acquired characteristics passed to offspring
mechanism wrong but - adaptation occurs over time in response to environmental change
Cuvier (3)
established extinction as a fact
explained: catastrophism
provided further evidence that earth is old
Charles Lyell (2)
uniformitarianism - same geological process observable today also happened in the past
given enough time small changes creates a big effect
Thomas Malthus (3)
disease&other factors keep populations in check
left unchecked a population will increase faster than available food resources
Darwin (4)
Origin of Species
correctly identified mechanism for evolution
lots of natural variation
struggle for existence
3 Fundamental Points
ability for pop to grow is infinite; carrying capacity of environment is finite
individuals vary in morphology and behavior = differential survival and reproduction
variation is transmitted to offspring (fit traits retained/selected for)
Alfred Wallace (1)
independently came up with natural selection
Natural selection (3 components)
What happens if they exist?
differential reproduction
evolutionary change is inevitable
reproductive success definition
of offspring one produces that reach reproductive age
fitness definition
and individual’s RS relative to the RS of other members of the same species
adaptation definition
a trait that is favored by natural selection
basic laws of heritability
genotype & phenotype
no blending inheritance - variation is maintained
DNA facts (5)
3 billion nucleotides 25000 functional genes 1% codes for proteins 4% regulates that 1% rest = parasitic DNA, retroviruses, unknown
Human and Chimp Genome
97% identical
Mutation (4)
random process
mutagens - radiation, chemicals, viruses
most neutral
Must occur in gametes to be passed on
Mutation level?
Natural selection level?
Evolution level?
4 Mechanisms of Evolution
natural selection
gene flow
genetic drift
Modern Synthesis
natural selection and other forms of evolution + laws of heritability + understanding of protein synthesis