Hominin to Homo Flashcards
The Leakeys did…
combind multiple specimens in Olduvui Gorge to name a new species: Homo habilis
Homo habilis:
3 traits
handy man
larger brain than Australopithecus
smaller cheek teeth than Australopithecus
hand with good manipulative abilities
H. habilis was the tool maker at Olduvai (not Paranthroupus or Australopithecus)
Koobi Fora
2 specimens
KNM - ER 1470 (H. Habilis male)
KNM - ER 1813 (H. Habilis female)
H. Habilis supposed to have (2)
small cheek teeth
endocranial volume larger than Australopithecus
KNM - ER 1470 (3)
large ECV
large cheek teeth
KNM - ER 1813 (3)
small ECV
small cheek teeth
results from Koobi Fora investigations
multiple individuals from diff sites -> maybe not a good idea to combind
most researchers conclusions about KNM specimens
two species
KNM - ER 1470
name + 2 traits
Homo rudolfensis
big brains
big cheek teeth
KNM - ER 1813
name + 2 traits
Homo habilis
small brain
small cheek teeth
big importance of Koobi Fora info
more evidence for multiple (2+) species of early Homo
Site in Ethiopia name? bone found? importance? 2 traits
maybe oldest Homo
ascending ramus moved posteriorly + uniform mandibular corpus depth in Homo
4 characters used to distinguish early Homo
large brain size
small cheek teeth
orthognathic jaw
mandible shape
Australopithecus sediba
hand traits (2)?
primitive as expected for Australopithecus (2)
derived features that have been used to identify Homo (3)
short fingers and long thumb
small brain
long arms and short legs
small molars
homo like mandible
Homo ergaster is the first hominin to have ALL the following features (5)
This makes H. ergaster
big brain orthognathic small cheek teeth modern stature/limb proportions no evidence of climbing adaptations
a good candidate for your ancestor
what does modern stature/limb proportions mean (2)
ling legs/tall stature
Early homo adaptations (3)
reduction of cheek teeth
tool use
striding specifics (3)
more efficient bipedality
dedicated biped
loss of climbing adaptations
reduction of cheek teeth specifics
reduction of cheek teeth - opposite of early adaptations
tool use specifics
mode 1 and mode 2
archaic morphology (similar to H. ergaster)
Homo erectus
first what?
hominin skulls -> H. erectus
Chinese H. erectus
Chinese H. erectus (2 traits)
brain size similar to H. ergaster
stone tools from China (oldowan)
Most H. erectus never associated with anything other than
oldowan tools
Javanese H. erectus very
H. erectus arrives in
E. Asia early and persists there for a long time
H. erectus is (2)
regionally specialized evolutionary dead end
originally derived from an African ancestor like H. ergaster
Important cladogenesis event
H. ergaster to H. erectus + H. sapiens
more evidence for (type of migration)
H. ergaster location + time
early pleistocene migration out of Africa
Georgia, same age as earliest H. erectus in Java
A post cranium fully committed to ______ evolves ____ in human evolution (by ____). As soon as that happens, Homo ______ out of _____ and across _____.
efficient bipedalism late ~1.8MYA walks africa the old world
Homo floresiensis (special feature)
tiny body + tiny brain
what caused Homo floresiensis
insular dwarfism - when mainland animals colonize islands, small species tend to evolve larger bodies and large species tend to evolve smaller bodies
2 implications of Homo floresiensis
underwent a long period of isolation in Flores (got there by boats)
human brain evolution not a one-way street
Acheulean Tools: 2 names
mode 2
hand axes
similar to oldowan 1
different to oldowan 2
both made from core
more steps in manufacture
get more cutting surface out of a single core
Acheulean and Oldowan times
Acheulean 1.4 MYA
Oldowan 2.5 MYA
Stereotyped manufacture
overtime: better raw material and refined manufacturing technique
but: keeps same basic shape (little regional variation)
first hominin to make Acheulean
African Homo ergaster
Acheulean never
makes it to E. Asia b/c first migration out of Africa predates invention
what happened in S Africa 1 MYA
earliest definitive evidence for control of fire
4 potential uses of fire
heat treating rocks
800 KYA in Africa, Europe, and W. Asia?
Homo heidelbergensis
Homo heidelbergensis had ______ shape but _____
archaic cranium shape but bigger brain
Homo heidelbergensis primitive skull features (5)
long low brain case very thick brain case bones very large brow ridges large and robust face no chin
Homo heidelbergensis derived skull features
substantially larger brains
Homo heidelbergensis bodies
more robust than modern humans
what happened between H. ergaster and H. heidelbergensis
Homo heidelbergensis tools
name (2)?
traits (3)
levallois technique: mode 3 tools
multi-step process
prepared core technique
final tool = flake (not core)
Homo heidelbergensis did what to tools
important aspect?
hafting - attaching to a handle
increases efficiency of applying force
stone tipped spears - hunting innovation
by about ______ a new species had evolved in ______ called ______
200 KYA
Europe and W. Asia
H. neanderthalensis
starting _____ in the ______ epoch what occurred
2.6 MYA
Pleistocene epoch
ice ages with onset of permanent ice caps in the N. Hemisphere b/c avg global temp has cooled
what defines the beginning of the Pleistocene
permanent ice caps
time range of homo? around?
2.8MYA - present; around time of permanent ice caps
b/t 2 and 1 MYA there was ______ in avg temp, and ______ variability, with ______
swings between glacial and interglacial periods
_______ major glaciations over the last 1 MA
about 12
global temp and CO2
move together
during glacial periods there were
large ice sheets covering N Eurasia and N America
Tundra from W. Europe to Central Asia is where
Neanderthals evolved their distinctive features
Homo neanderthalensis
9 cranial traits
mean ECV like modern humans occipital bun supratoral sulcus supraorbital torus with double arched brow ridge receding frontal presence of retromolar space no bony chin midfacial prognathism larger, broad, prominent nose
Homo neanderthalensis have ______, but compared tp H. sapiens ____ (2 overal traits)
big brains
archaic cranium
low low brain case + large massively built face
huge nose is adaptation for
cold climate
compared to modern humans:
3 traits
robust skeleton, short limbs and stocky body
well adapted for cold European climates
Homo neanderthalensis have what tools:
two names
4 traits/points
mousterian (levallois) tools
made from flake not core
many tools spear points
active hunting
solid evidence for control of fire
800 KYA
at least 2 regional species of homo (heidelbergensis and erectus)
200 KYA
Neanderthals in Europe and W. Asia (floresiensis and erectus)
Homo sapiens idaltu (2)
nice morphological intermediate
H sapiens:
when and where (2)
anatomically modern humans first appear in fossil record of
africa and M. East about 100 KYA
to 40 KYA in Europe
H sapiens (9)
- High, rounded cranium
- globular Braincase widest near top of skull
- Steep high forehead
- Large cranial capacity (1600 cc.)
- Absence of alveolar and midfacial prognathism
- small gracile facial skeleton
- Reduced brow ridge
- Parabolic palate
- Prominent mental eminence–a definitive chin
African Anagensis
heidelbergensis to idultu to sapiens
origin of modern humans corresponds to
appearance of new technologies
4th core adaptation
symbolism, Art, culture
50 KYA
H sapiens spreads out of africa to eurasia
species migrating out of africa has (2)
sophisticated blade based stone tools
tools made from bone, horn, antlers ivory
species migrating out of africa also has (not the tools one)
symbolic art and maybe modern language
tool traditions start to
vary by time and place
burials with _____ are more common =
grave goods
more symbolic thought
earliest modern europeans had body proportions adapted for
most similar to
warm climates despite ice ages
living african proportions
last occurrence of other hominin species was
27 KYA
Out of africa model (3)
H. ergaster disperses from Africa
anatomically modern H. sapiens evolves in africa and then spreads to Europe and Asia
multiregional model (3)
H. ergaster disperses from Africa
anatomically modern H. sapiens arise in many populations (gene flow)
Reality: (4)
mostly out of africa - limited interbreeding
H. ergaster disperses from Africa
anatomically modern H. sapiens evolves in africa and then spreads to europe and asia
genetic data shows some gene flow in eurasia but not much
what came from Denisovan hominins
shows what?
meaning what?
DNA distinct from both neanderthals and modern humans -> clear evidence for gene flow between all 3 populations = a single biological species