3 Human Fossils (Lab) Flashcards
what fossil evidence is in the Pliocene
hominin genus Australopithecus,
hallmark of hominin evolution
bipedal locomotion
early hominins were less human-like in the____ than in the _____
all show
anatomical evidence of (2)
(1) habitual bipedalism and (2) reduction of canine size
Sahelanthropus tchadensis (3)
bipedal ( foramen magnum is placed anteriorly )
apical wear on the canine teeth
Orrorin tugenensis (1)
proximal femur, provides convincing evidence for bipedal
Ardipithecus (3)
canines larger than Australopithecus, but smaller than those of most great apes
anatomy of the pelvis and forward placement of the foramen magnum indicate bipedal
well adapted for climbing and arboreal suspension
Australopithecus anamensis (2)
thick enamel
moderate canines
Australopithecus afarensis (3)
morphology of the hind limb shows adaptations for bipedalism
sexually dimorphic
canines are reduced
Paranthropus robustus (3)
large cheek teeth,
very thick dental enamel,
and very large chewing muscle attachment sites
Paranthropus boisei (4)
large bite forces
sagittal crest
“megadont” (huge) molars
sexually dimorphic,
_______ varies among the
some show -
dental morphology
exhibit megadontia
early hominins had different______ than
modern humans
shown by 2 (but 3 things show #2)
Tooth size and morphology
size and strength of the two major chewing muscles (some degree of lateral flare, sagittal crests, dish shaped face)
Humans have a greater number of ______
lumbar vertebrae
In humans, the_____ joint surface is_____
human _____ is considerably____ superio-inferiorly (top to bottom) and_____
os coxa
humans have a_____-facing ilium
the lesser _______ to prevent the ______when the body is supported on a single leg
gluteal muscles
collapse of the hip joint
having the ______ close to the center of gravity
gives australopithecines greater mechanical advantage in _______ by decreasing the _______ arm relative to the______ arm
hip sockets
abducting the pelvis
length of the load
length of the force
modern human pelvis seems to be structured as a compromise between two functional needs (2)
efficient bipedalism and
allowing large-brained infants to pass through the birth canal
shaft of the femur is_____ = ______
allows a biped to place its
angled; “valgus knee”.
feet directly below its center of gravity
Our feet are unique among hominoids in having an ________ that is _______
first metatarsal in bipeds is
adducted big toe (hallux)
parallel with the other toes
relatively larger
the shape of the medial cuneiform:
is _____ and not adapted for rotary movement. This __________ and permits
independent movement of the great toe
flat in bipeds
surface is rounded in apes