Primary Postpartum Haemorrhage Flashcards
What are the 4 T’s associated with causes of PPH?
Tone (uterine atony)
Trauma (to genital structures)
Tissue (retention of placenta or membranes)
Thrombin (coagulopathy)
What is the most common cause of PPH?
Uterine atony
An empty and contracted uterus…
does not bleed.
Which patients are at higher risk of PPH?
Multiple pregnancy >4 pregnancies PHx PPH Hx APH large baby
Why should fundal massage be avoided until after the placenta is delivered?
The fundus will not become firm and contracted until after the placenta is delivered.
Why should a firm fundus not be massaged?
Interferes with normal placental post-birth separation and worsens bleeding.
Why must verbal consent be obtained for Misoprostol admin? What risks are associated?
Not specifically licensed for use in PPH in Australia.
Potential nausea, diarrhoea, abdo pain. May cause a C-section scar to rupture - side effects unlikely at AV dose.
Can misoprostol and oxytocin be given to the same patient in the same period of care?
Yes. In the setting of PPH, if oxytocin not immediately available, then Misoprostol should be administered without delay.
What is secondary PPH defined as, and can Misoprostol be administered for it?
Severe bleeding at 24hrs - 6 weeks post birth.
Consult with receiving hospital for misoprostol or oxytocin.
What is primary PPH defined as?
> 500mL blood loss in first 24hrs post-birth.
If PPH but the fundus is firm, what is the Mx?
- High flow O2
- Analgesia
- If BP <90mmHg, consider up to 40mL Normal Saline, titrated to pt response, consult or if no consult, admin further 20ml/kg.
- Mx any visible laceration with a dressing and pressure
What is a firm fundus described as?
Palpably firm, central and compacted.
If PPH and the fundus is not firm, what is the initial Mx?
- High flow O2
- Analgesia
- If BP <90, up to 40mL/kg NS, titrate to response consult for further 20ml/kg
- Ensure placenta delivered
- Fundal massage
- Encourage mother to empty bladder
- Encourage baby to suckle breast
How is fundal massage done?
Using a cupped hand, apply firm pressure in a circular motion until fundus firms and blood loss reduces.
If PPH and fundus remains not firm post-fundal massage, what is the Mx?
Misoprostol 800mcg oral.
Request MICA for Oxytocin.
Should paramedics attempt to delivery placenta if not delivered in PPH?
No, due to risk of uterine inversion.
If fundal massage and misoprostol administered and PPH remains intractable, what is the Mx?
External abdominal aortic compression.
- Locate point of compression just above umbilicus and slightly to the left
- Apply downward pressure with a closed fist directly through abdominal wall
- Assess for femoral pulse, if absent - compression adequate.