Newborn Resuscitation Flashcards
What is the key to newborn resuscitation?
Effective ventilation - most newborns requiring resus are apnoeic and bradycardic. Effective ventilation should be prioritised at each stage of resus.
In the non-vigorous newborn, how quickly should ventilation be initiated?
In the first 60s.
Initial ventilation of the newborn should occur with supplemental O2 - true or false?
False. Ventilate at 40-60 ventilations per minute with enough pressure to see chest rise and fall.
What PEEP should be used for IPPV in newborn resus?
5cm H2O
In a newborn resus, if HR remains 60-100bpm after 30s of ventilation on room air, ensure adequate…?
Mask seal, airway position and ventilation pressure.
If after this, still <100bpm, initiate 5L/min O2.
Once HR >100 and target SPO2 is being met, should O2 be weaned in a newborn resus?
Yes, to avoid hyperoxaemia.
In a newborn resus, if HR is still <60bpm, despite at least 30s effective ventilation, what is required?
CPR with 100% O2.
When should newborn resus not be initiated?
If<23 weeks.
In what circumstances does a newborn need to be registered with a hospital/medical facility?
If born at ≥20 weeks OR
≥400g birth weight OR
showing signs of life regardless of gestation
Are miscarriages <20 weeks required to be reported to the coroner or police?
No, unless it occurred due to violence/injury.
What is the most effective airway positioning for a newborn resus?
Place head and neck in a neutral position.
Avoid excessive neck flexion and head extension.
Place a folded towel underneath the shoulders.
How should a newborn airway be suctioned?
Only if obstructed.
Mouth, then nose - due to nasal breathing.
5-6s max and no deeper than the oropharynx to avoid spasm/bradycardia.
Are OPA’s indicated in a newborn resus?
Not unless airway abnormalities or tongue obstruction, as it may cause vagally mediated bradycardia.
How should HR be measured in the newborn?
Auscultate. If resuscitating, apply ECG dots to guide resus.
If newborn in shockable rhythm, how is this managed?
Apply pads, defibrillate at 4J/kg at 2 min intervals.