Pregnancy, breastfeeding & paediatrics Flashcards
What is a key strategy to manage fussy eating in children?
Avoid delaying lumpy foods, try offering foods 10 times, and model healthy eating habits.
How long should meals last for fussy eaters?
20–30 minutes per meal.
What is the purpose of plotting growth on charts for children
To compare growth against a healthy population of the same age and sex, ensuring proportional growth.
Which charts are used for kids aged 0 - 2 years?
WHO growth charts, based on data from healthy, breastfed infants.
What are the BMI cutoffs for children ages 2 - 18 years according to CDC guidelines?
<5th percentile: Underweight.
5–84th percentile: Healthy weight.
85–94th percentile: Overweight.
95th percentile: Obese.
What is a Z-score, and why is it useful for growth assessment?
A Z-score shows how far a value is from the population median in standard deviations, ideal for assessing malnutrition and population studies.
How much weight should a child gain in the first 3 months?
210 - 240g/week
What is the expected length increase for infants by 1 year?
Length increases by 50% of birth length by 1 year.
When should the growth of premature infants be plotted for corrected for age?
Until 2 years if born <37 weeks gestation.
What are the 2 main growth spurts in children?
Infancy (birth–1–2 years)
Puberty (10–11 years for girls, 12–13 years for boys).
What are the weight gain recommendations during pregnancy based on BMI?
Underweight: 12.5–18kg
Normal: 11.5–16kg
Overweight: 7–11.5kg
Obese: 5–9kg
How much weight should a pregnant woman gain weekly during the 2nd and 3rd trimesters?
~400g/week in the 2nd trimester
~500g/week in the 3rd trimester
What is the goal of baby-friendly hospital initiative?
Global initiative by UNICEF & WHO.
Promotes breastfeeding by removing hospital practices that hinder it.
Includes staff training, immediate breastfeeding initiation, “rooming in,” exclusive breastfeeding support, and post-discharge care.
What additional nutrient requirements exist during pregnancy?
Folate: 500 mcg/day (400 mcg supplemented)
Iron: 11 mg
Iodine: 220 mcg (150 mcg supplemented)
Vitamin C: 85 mg
Calcium: 1000 mg
Fibre: 25 g/day
What are the stages of breast milk, and how do they differ?
Colostrum: 1st milk, high in protein, low in fat, yellow, rich in antibodies (2–5 days postpartum).
Transitional milk: Higher fat, lactose, and water, white, produced ~2–14 days postpartum.
Mature milk: Bluish-white, balanced mix of nutrients, foremilk (low fat) transitions to hindmilk (high fat).
What are the kcal & macro contents of breast milk?
~70 kcal/100 ml
~4.2 g fat (~3–5%)
~1.3 g protein (~1%)
~7 g carbohydrates (lactose) (~7%)
Common signs of insufficient milk production
Lethargy or excessive sleepiness
Irritability during feeds
Poor weight gain
Persistent jaundice
Infrequent wet or dirty nappies
When is BF contraindicated?
Very low birth weight (<1500 g)
HIV infection in the mother
Active tuberculosis (not on treatment)
Substance abuse or chemotherapy
Key considerations for storing breast milk
Room temperature (<25°C): 6–8 hours
Refrigerated (<4°C): 3 days
Freezer (-18°C): 3–6 months
Deep freezer (-20°C): 6–12 months
What are the energy requirements for children at different ages?
Premature: 120–150 kcal/kg
Neonates: 100–120 kcal/kg
1–12 months: 90–100 kcal/kg
1–6 years: 75–100 kcal/kg
7–12 years: 60–75 kcal/kg
What strategies can help manage fussy eating?
Offer new foods up to 10 times.
Take 20–30 minutes per meal.
Provide finger foods for independence.
Avoid separate meals or force-feeding.
Recommended fluid intake for children based on age
3–10 kg (0 - 6 months): 100 ml/kg/day
10–20kg (6 - 12 months): 1000 ml + 50 ml/kg for each kg over 10 kg
20 kg: 1500 ml + 20 ml/kg for each kg over 20 kg
What foods should be avoided in infants under 12 months?
Honey (risk of botulism)
Cow’s milk as the main drink
Small hard foods (choking hazard)
Sugary drinks, soft drinks, tea, and coffee
Signs of good feeding in a baby?
Audible swallowing
Satisfied baby post-feed
Breast softening
Steady weight gain
Wet nappies (6–8/day in early weeks)