Pregnancy Flashcards
Establishing gestational age
Uterine size, amenorrhea, positive pregnancy test, fetal heart sounds, ultrasound
1st pregnancy visit
Blood work: CBC, rh, glucose Serology: VDRL, rubella, Hep BsAg, HIV, Varicella IgG Cultures: G/C, pap Urinalysis Date by U/S if uncertain
11-13 weeks
U/S for nuchal translucency, if positive, amniocentesis at 16 weeks
16 weeks
Quad screen: HCG, estriols, AFP, DHT
18-21 week
Anatomy scan
24 weeks
50g glucose challenge, CBC, Rh repeat if G1
35 weeks
GBS swab
0-28 weeks measure SF height
Every 4 weeks
28-delivery measure SF height
Every 2 weeks
35 YO DS risk
Prenatal record components
ID, OB, family, PMHx, pregnancy dating, symptoms, social history, genetics screen
Questions for genetic screen
Age older than 35, consanguinity, ethnicity, neural tube defects, Down syndrome, hemophilia, muscular dystrophy, maternal PKU, cystic fibrosis, Huntington’s, developmental delay
Sleep issues, interest, guilt, energy, concentration, appetite, psychomotor, suicidality
Mania screen
Periods of extreme emotional highs, less sleep, very impulsive
General appearance, behaviour, attitude
The ability to make decisions, knowing sitatuional and available options
Pregnancy and uterine leiomyoma on ultrasound shows
well-circumscribed masses in the myometrium and a fetus
Characteristic ultrasound finding of a complete hydatidiform mole
Endometrium with a Swiss cheese or snowstorm appearance
Treating a complete hydatidiform mole
Suction curettage due to risk of malignant transformation (choriocarcinoma)
Complete hydatidiform mole pregnancies result from
An abnormal fertilization of an empty ovum by either 2 sperm or by 1 sperm which subsequently duplicates its genome
Complete hydatidiform moles have a 2-4% risk of developing into
HcG levels during a molar pregnancy
Very high
Components of complete mole
2 sperm, empty egg
Partial mole components
2 sperm plus one egg
How much weight should the average pregnant lady gain?
25-35 lbs
Fish-eating guidelines for pregnancy
Consume only cooked seafood, and avoid fish with high mercury levels like swordfish and big eye tuna
24 the urine protein collection in a pregnancy evaluates for
Serum ceruloplasmin is used to evaluate for
Wilsons disease
Oligohydramnois is considered an amniotic fluid index
Less than 5cm
Most common cause of oligohydramnois at term gestation is
Spontaneous rupture of the membranes
Strongest risk factor for rectal prolapse is
Multiple childbirths
Unsafe activities during pregnancy include
Contact sports, high fall risk, scuba diving, hot yoga
A type of conductive hearing loss that presents in young women and may progress during pregnancy is
Second stage of labour is
Full dilation to delivery of infant
Three ways to measure contraction
Palpation, toco, intrauterine pressure catheter
A fetal scalp electrode
Measures RR intervals of babies ECG
What degree of perineal laceration involves rectal sphincter
Only Pharmacologic analgesic with no effects on baby during labour
Premature labour occurs during weeks
Fetal fibeonectin is used during
24-34 weeks to predict that mom will not go into labour in the next 2 weeks
Initial step when assessing for false labour
Hydrate the mom and see if it stops
Side effects of indomethicin to a developing fetus
Closure of the ductus arteriosus
Main idea behind tocolysis is
To allow time to give glucocorticoids which will increase fetal lung compliance
Premature rupture of membranes confirmed by
Pooling in vaginal fornix, nitrazine, ferning on slide
When would you choose to induce a mom with premature rupture of membranes `
35-36 weeks, risk of infection outweigh that of prematurity
Post dates induction is started at
41+3 to ensure delivery by 42 weeks
Monozygotic twins are induced at
37 weeks
Placenta previa
Placenta over cervix
Placenta accreta
Placenta too deep in endometrium
Baby head position for the least resistance
Vertex - back of the head, flexed, chin tucked
Frank breech
Baby is coming out bum first, ankles by ears
Complete breech
Bum first, knees flexed
Footling breech
Feet first, too small to dilate the cervix adequately
Cardinal delivery rule for breech
If baby doesnt come out within an hour of pushing go for c section, dont touch it, no pulling
What US fetal measurement is best indication of fetal nutrition?
Abdominal circumference
Normal baseline heart rate fetus
Variable decelerations are due to
Cord compression causing sharp drop in FHR, mediated by the vagal nerve
Late decelerations
Uteroplacental insufficiency mediated by CNS chemoreceptors
Fetal risks of shoulder dystocia
Erbs palsy, clavicular fracture, asphyxia, death
McRoberts maneuver
Suprapubic pressure with hands locked like CPR, just above the pubic bone
Woods/Rubins corkscrew maneuver
Hand behind babies scapula and rotate the baby
Gestational hypertension is a BP of
> 140/90
HELLP in pregnancy
Hemolysis, elevated liver enzymes, low platelets (a variant of preeclampsia)
Preeclampsia is gestational hypertension and
Proteinuria >0.3G/day
Cure for gestational diabetes
Delivery of the baby
What kind of antihypertensives are contraindicated in pregnancy
Ace inhibitors (bad for fetal kidneys)
Treating eclamptic seizures
MgSO4, short acting benzo
The primary purpose of antihypertensive medications in preeclampsia is
Prevention of maternal stroke
Thyroid hormones in pregnancy
Total T4 and TBG increase, so that free T4 and TSH remain the same
Most common cause of hyperthyroid in pregnancy is
Graves’ disease
Treating Graves’ disease in pregnancy
Methamizole or PTU
Thyroid storm presents as
Hyperthermia, tachycardia, severe dehydration
Management of thyroid storm
Beta blockers, iodine, PTU bolus, dexamethasone
Treating hypothyroidism
Start L thyroxine and monitor TSH and T4 once per trimester
Prerenal AKI reason in pregnancy
Blood loss, hypotension
Renal AKI reason in pregnancy
Usually a preexisting condition
Post renal AKI in pregnancy
Renal stones or iatrogenic (post op)
If FENa <1 in AKI, the cause is
Prerenal, hypovolemic
Pruritis with no rash, elevated LFT and total bile acids
Treating DVT during pregnancy
Treating PE in pregnancy
Cystic fibrosis and pregnancy
Should not get pregnant, pulmonary hypertension and malabsorption leading to IUGR
Pregnancy and asymptomatic bacteruria
Treated with antibiotics
Lab for pancreatitis shows
Increased lipase +/- high LFTs
Greatest risk to fetus of Graves’ disease is
Neonatal thyrotoxicosis
Appendicitis diagnosis in pregnancy
Clinical, if it ruptures 50% of women will labour
Bowel obstruction in pregnancy presentation
Abdominal pain with air fluid levels on abdominal xray
Exclusive breastfeeding is recommended for
Treating sore cracked nipples from breastfeeding
Lanolin based cream
Most common bug causing mastitis
S aureaus
Treating mastitis
Cloxacillin 10 days, keep breastfeeding unless an abscess develops
Complete return of uterus to non pregnant size takes
6-8 weeks
On average lochia persists for
1 month
First ovulation in postpartum non lactating mothers
45-90 days pp
1st line medication for postpartum depression
Vasa previa
Vessels running through the fetal membranes cross the cervix
Placenta increta
Placenta invading through myometrium, may result in hysterectomy
Placenta percreta
Placenta through uterine serosa, can invade bladder, planned c section and hysterectomy with bladder reconstruction
Placental abruption
Part of the placenta sheers of uterine wall prematurely, maternal bleeding
Complete placental abruption results in
Fetal death within minutes
Maternal risks of placental abruption
Hemorrhage, DIC
Causes of post partum hemorrhage
Uterine atony (not contracting), genital tract trauma, retained placental tissues
Treating uterine atony
Fundal massage, oxytocin
Uterine inversion leads to rapid loss of conciousness due to
Vasovagal response and hemorrhage
Early decels
Fetal head compression
Late decels
Uteroplacental insufficiency
Variable decels
Cord compression, oligohydramnios, cord prolapse
First line management of recurrent variable decelerations is
Intrauterine resuscitation with maternal repositioning which may improve blood flow to fetus
Inducing ovulation in PCOS
Presence of Acanthosis nigiricans indicates
Insulin resistance (diabetes, PCOS)
Letrozole is
An Aromatase inhibitor
Bromocriptine a dopamine agonist can be used to treat
Laparoscopic fulguration improves fertility in patients with
Pregnant patients with abnormal serological results (+VDRL, prolonged activated PTT) plus spontaneous abortions may have what disease?
Antiphospholipid antibody syndrome
Prothrombotic autoimmune disorder that can produce false positive tests and mild thrombocytopenia
Antiphospholipid antibody syndrome
First step in the management of antiphospholipid antibody syndrome
Anticoagulate the patient (typically with heparin)
What anticoagulant is safe in pregnancy?
If a pregnant patient has +VDRL and +FTA-ABS they should be treated with what?
Benzathine penicillin G