Musculoskeletal Flashcards
Shoulder examination, impingement signs: (4)
Supraspinatus sign (empty can test)
Hawkins sign
Neers sign
90/90 sign
Empty can test
Supraspinatus sign, position inhibits deltoid and mostly stresses the supraspinatus muscle, grade patients strength and pain
Hawkins sign
Compresses the rotator cuff, subacromial bursa, and biceps tendon. Helps evaluate for rotator cuff impingement
Assess the subscapularis with what test
Lift off test, eliminates the force of the larger muscles like pec major and lat dorsi
Scarf sign
Assesses AC joint stress by applying direct pressure to the articular surfaces of the joint
Testing the stability of the GH joint (shoulder)
Sulcus sign for laxity
Load and shift testing
Apprehension sign
Testing for tears of the shoulder labrum
Obriens test, arm out and thumb to the floor, apply downward pressure and look for pain and or clicking
Broken humerus can affect which nerves
Axillary, radial, or ulnar
Position for postural realignment
Bruggers position, sitting with the legs slightly apart, back arched back, head back, and arms pulled back.
Mountain pose.
Active scapular retraction
GH joint dislocation occurs in what two mechanisms
Apprehension position, and FOOSH
5 E’s of posterior GH dislocation
Electricity, epilepsy, elderly, ECT, ethanol
Bankart lesion
Avulsion of the anterior glenoid labrum from the glenoid
Hill Sachs lesion
Dent in the Humoral head
Mallet finger
Ruptured extensor tendon
Boutonnière deformity
Sprained pip with central slip disruption, needs splinting in complete extension. Can lead to flexion contracture otherwise.
Boxers fracture treatment
Ulnar gutter splint
Scaphoid fracture treatment
Thumb spica cast
MCP joint thumb dislocation
Thumb spica cast
Bennett’s fracture
Broken 1st metacarpal, referral fracture of orif
Muscles for supination
Biceps brachii and supinator
Muscles for pronation
Pronator teres, pronator quadratus
Allen’s test
Checks for occlusion of the ulnar or radial arteries
Tenderness over the anatomic snuffbox may be a sign of
Scaphoid fracture
Thenar innervation