Precourse ILT RY Flashcards
What is the pressurizer heat-up limit?
What is the pressurizer cooldown limit?
What is the differential temperature limit between RCS and PZR spray?
What is the capacity and lift setpoint of a PORV?
RY456 210,000 lbm/hr 2335 psig
RY455A 210,000 lbm/hr 2345 psig
What is the capacity and lift setpoint of a pressurizer safety valve?
420,000 lbm/hr 2460 psig
What is the program level band for the pressurizer and what is it controlled by?
Unit 1 25-60% 557-587F Tave
Unit 2 27-60% 557-581F Tave
Constant mass: Level is designed to vary with RCS temperature (using auctioneered 2nd highest Tave) with no mass addition or loss
Controlled by charging and letdown flows
How many sets of pressurizer heaters are there?
4 sets,C proportional ABD backup
What is the capacity of the pressurizer heaters?
Proportional C 400KW
Backup ABD 1400KW
What are the power supplies for pressurizer heaters?
A&D 143
B&C 144
What allows the PORVs to operate once air is isolated to containment?
They have their own accumulators and each accumulator will allow its associated PORV to cycle 50 times
What are the pressurizer level setpoints?
92% PZR high level Rx trip 2/3 70% High level alarm 60% 100% program level 25/27% 0% power program level 17% PZR heaters de-energized \+5% >Band backup heaters energize regardless of level -5% low level alarm
What is the hydrostatic test pressure for pressurizer?
3107 psig
What is the safety limit for the pressurizer?
2735 psig
When do pressurizer safety valves open?
2460 psig
What is the high pressure reactor trip setpoint?
2385 psig
When will PORV RY455A be full open?
2345 psig
When will PORV RY 456 be full open?
2335 psig
When are the PORVs closed?
2315 psig
When do the pzr spray valves full open?
2310 psig
When do the pzr spray valves full close?
2260 psig
At what pressure do the pzr variable heaters turn off?
2250 psig
What is the RCS normal operating pressure?
2235 psig
What pressure do the backup heaters turn off?
2225 psig
What happens at 2220 psig?
backup heaters on and variable heaters full on
At what pressure are the PORVs enabled?
2185 psig
What pressure does a P-11 occur?
1930 psig
What pressure will a PZR pressure low reactor trip occur?
1885 psig
What pressure will safety injection occur?
1829 psig
What is the effect of the controlling pressurizer level channel failing high/low?
Ovation chooses the 2nd highest of the 3 level detectors
If a level detector fails hi/low ovation will sense it and average the functioning 2 signals and work normally
Per TS 3.4.9 what is required to make the pressurizer operable?
level <= 92%
Two groups of heaters each >150KW and able to be powered by redundant ESF buses
What is the effect of the controlling pressure channel failing high/low?
Ovation chooses the 2nd highest reading pressure detector as master, if a detector fails hi it is not the master.
What is the safety design basis for the pressurizer?
prevent Overpressurization
PORVs required for LTOP protection when water solid
Safety valves discharge to PRT
Safety valves prevent exceeding 110% 2735 psig design pressure
Safety valves combined capacity can accomodate turbine trip with no credit for reactor trip, rod control, PORVs, steam dumps, level control, sprays
What is the operational design basis for the pressurizer?
Loading or unloading of 5%/min without reactor trip
Step load changes of +-10% in 120 sec without reactor trip or uncovering heaters
50% step load reduction without Hi level Rx trip
Complete loss of load without water relief through the Safety valves