ILT Exam 7 Material + Review Content Flashcards
What is the heating supply to the 17 HP heaters?
2nd stage reheater drain tank and 4th stage HP extraction steam
What is the heating supply to the 16 LP heaters?
17 heaters’ drains and 6th stage HP extraction steam
What is the heating supply to the 15 LP heaters?
6 heaters’ drains, 8th stage HP extraction steam and, 1st stage reheater drain tank
What are the inputs into the HDT?
15 heater drain cooler, MSR shell drain tank
What is the heating supply to the 14 LP heaters?
2nd stage LP extraction steam
What is the heating supply to the 13 LP heaters?
14 heaters’ drains, 4th stage LP extraction steam
What is the heating supply to the 12 LP heaters?
13 heaters’ drains, 6th stage LP extraction steam
What is the heating supply to the 11 LP heaters?
8th and 9th stage LP extraction steam
What are the inputs to the ES flash tank?
12 LP heater’s drains, 11 LP heater’s drains,
Where does the ES flash tank drain to?
11 drain cooler
What is the capacity of the HDPs?
Each pump is 50% capacity and delivers 6100 gpm
What are the power supplies to the HDPs?
A&C from 157, B from 156
Which non-return check valves do NOT close on a Hi-2 in the downstream heater?
1st stage reheater drain tank outlet, 2nd stage reheater drain tank outlet, MSR shell drain tank inlet & outlet, 4th stage HP steam to MSR
When do the ES spill valves open?
On a turbine trip, Hi-2 on the associated heater, Hi-1 on 12-14 heaters (the spill valve acts as the low point drain on these lines.)
What is the interlock between inlet and outlet valve of a LP or HP heater string?
The inlet valve will start to open when the outlet valve is 95% open. Conversely the outlet will start to close when the inlet is 95% closed. All this ensures the tube side does not get pressurized.
What does the TDFW speed controller use as a demand signal at low powers?
What does the TDFWP speed controller use as a demand signal at high powers?
What do the EH controllers for TDFWPs do?
Convert speed demand to a governor valve demand signal
What are the TDFWP trip signals?
What is the design basis for the FW Isolation?
What is normal EH header pressure?
1900 - 2000 psig
What is the critical speed range of the TDFWP?
2000 - 3000 rpm
When does the speed limiter lower speed on the TDFWP?
5550 rpm
When does the TDFWP trip on overspeed?
5720 rpm
What are the steam sources for the TDFWPs?
Main steam up until 45%. ‘A’ MSR outlet opens at 25%
What are the 2 modes of control on FWP?
How does FW016 fail on a loss of air?
Fails As-Is on total or partial loss of air
What are the interlocks for starting the TDFWP turning gear?
What is the power supply to the B FWP recirc valve?
DC 114
What is the power supply to the A/C FWP recircs?
DC 113
What is the time limit and reasoning for isolating AF with a faulted SG inside containment?
30 minutes; limits containment pressure rise
What is the time limit and reasoning for isolating AF with a faulted SG outside containment?
20 minutes; Maintain instrumentation in MSIV rooms
What is the time limit and reasoning for isolating AF with a ruptured SG?
9 minutes; prevent SG overfill
On an AF initiation, why must SD valves be closed and when shall that action be permissable?
They must be closed to ensure that a total of >= 500 gpm AF flow gets to the SG. The RO must manually close SD valves if SI conditions do NOT exist.
At what pressure do the AF pumps swap suction from CST to SX? What valves automatically realign?
18.1 psia; CST recirc valve AF002A/B close, SX recirc valve AF024 will open
What are the MDFWP trips?
PPLLUGSM: P-14, Phase OC, Low lube oil (2/2) 10 psig, Low suction pressure (2/2) 282 psig, UV on bus 156, Ground OC, SI, Manual
What are the MDFWP starting interlocks?
At least one CD/CB running, Discharge valve FW002A open, Recirc iso valve FW027A open, Suction valve CB005A open, Lube oil pressure 15 psig and rising (oil pressure UP light LIT on PM04J)
How does the auto runback feature work?
What are the permissives to latch/rest TDFWP?
What are the trips for the TDFWPs?l
What are the Main Generator trips?