Precourse ILT AC Flashcards
What are the loads on Bus 141?
1A AF 1A CC 1A CS 1A CV 1A RH 1A SI 1A SX 0A VC Chiller 0A VA Supply Fan 0A VA Exhaust Fan Bus 131x 0 CC SWGR
What are the loads on bus 142?
1B CC 1B CS 1B CV 1B RH 1B SI 1B SX 0B VC Chiller 0B VA Supply 0B VA Exhaust Bust 132x 0CC SWGR
What are the loads on bus 143?
1A CW 1C CW 0A WS U-0 SAC 1A VP Chiller 0C VA Chiller 1A PZR Htr 1D PZR Htr Bus 133 U/V/X/Y
What are the loads on bus 144?
1B CW 0B WS U-1 SAC 0A Fire PP 1B VP Chiller 0A VA Chiller 1B PZR Htr 1C PZR Htr Bus 134 U/V/X/Y Service BLDG Chiller 0A
What are the loads on Bus 157?
What are the loads bus 159?
What are the loads on bus 158?
What are the loads on bus 156?
What are the supply breaker lockouts for 6.9, non-esf 4kv, and unit cross ties?
Ground overcurrent
Phase A overcurrent
Phase C overcurrent
What are the lockouts for the diesel feed breakers?
Generator differential current
What are the SAT trips?
Bus 4/14 differential Loss of phase Instantaneous overcurrent Neutral ground overcurrent Differential current Sudden Pressure
What are the ESF 4160 bus UV schemes?
<3987V 2/2 relays for >10 seconds starts a 5 minute timer and if voltage is still degraded then all feed breakers receive a trip signal. SI signal bypasses the 5 minute timer.
<3120V 2/2 relays for >3 seconds bus feed breakers receive trip signals
<=2870 ESF trips all load breakers except 480 loads, DGs start up and load sequence
<=2870 NONESF for >=2 sec Trips all load breakers
What is the 6.9KV UV and UF scheme?
<5268V 2/4 busses 2/2 relays for >0.8 seconds starts AF pumps, if above P-7 Rx trip
<4920 strip all load breakers
<= 57 Hz 2/4 busses 2/2 relays for >0.4 seconds trip running RCPS, If above P-7 Rx trip. Will not trigger on instantaneous loss of power, UF relays are powered by bus
What are the requirements to manually close breaker 1411?
No lockouts on 1411 Unit X-tie breaker open Breaker 1431 open Breaker 1432 open Containment recirc Sump Interlock reset
What are the requirements to manually close UAT feed 1431?
No lockouts on SAT or UAT feed Breaker 1411 open One generator output breaker closed MPT disconnect closed Syncscope on
What are the requirements to manually close SAT feed 1412?
No lockouts on 1412 or 1414
No SAT faults
One of the following breakers open: 1414 2414 2412
Syncscope on
Synchrocheck satisfied (if bus energized)
What are the requirements to auto close UAT feed 1431?
No lockouts on SAT or UAT feed Breaker 1411 open one generator output breaker closed MPT disconnect closed SAT feed breaker C/S in A/C UAT feed breaker C/S in A/T SAT feed breaker open
What are the requirements to manually close the D/G output breaker 1413?
No lockouts on 1412 1413 1414
DG at speed and voltage
Syncscope on
Synchrocheck satisfied
What are the requirements to manually close SAT feed 1432?
No lockouts on SAT or UAT feed
No SAT faults
Breaker 1411 open
Syncscope on
What is the effect on a loss of DC power to 480V 4KV and 6.9KV?
Control power is lost so the breakers cannot be operated remotely and they will not trip on associated interlocks
What is the effect on the overall plant on a loss of DC power?
Loss of DC ESF bus requires a manual reactor trip as you lose feed to the SGs because FRV and FRBV fail closed. SGs will lose level until the Lo-2 SG water level reactor trip
Loss of NONESF DC requires a manual trip because the feedwater recirc valves fail open and divert flow from the SGs
What is the effect on the DGs on a loss of DC?
On a running DG the fuel rack solenoids will fail close causing the DG to trip
On a standby DG it cannot start because no field flash power available
What are the loads of the 250V DC bus?
CAT Very fast
Computer inverter - Backup power supply ASSO backup pump Turbine emg oil pump Vacuum breaker valve Fw PP emg oil pump