Posterior and Gluteal Region Flashcards
High yield information about greater sciatic foramen
A portal into the gluteal region and posterior thigh. The sciatic nerve goes through here and is huge!
What innervates the gluteus medius, minimus and tensor fascia lata?
Superior gluteal nerve (L4-S1)
Injury to superior gluteal nerve results in…
Trendelenburg sign
What innervates the gluteus maximus?
Inferior gluteal nerve (L5-S2)
If injury occurs to inferior gluteal nerve, what happens?
Weakness rising from sitting position, going up stairs
The thigh has 3 muscle compartments, which ones?
Anterior, medial, and posterior
What innervates the anterior compartment of posterior thigh?
Femoral nerve (L2-4) + anterior rami from lumbar plexus (L1-4)
What innervates the posterior thigh compartment?
Sciatic nerve (L5-S2)
What innervates the medial compartment of posterior thigh?
Obturator nerve (L2-4)
What is the primary hip extensor?
Gluteus maximus
What is the primary knee flexor?
What is the best bony sites to find the femoral nerve?
PSIS, greater sciatic foramen, greater trochanter, and ischial tuberosity
What innervates the gluteus maximus? What is its primary functions?
Innervation: inferior gluteal nerve
Function: Hip extension, lateral rotator
Attachment, insertion, innervation, and function of gluteus medius
Attachment: ala of ilium
Insertion: greater trochanter
Innervation: superior gluteal nerve
Function: abduction, medial rotation
Attachment, insertion, innervation, and function of gluteus minimus
Attachment: ala of ilium
Insertion: ~
Innervation: superior gluteal nerve
Function: medial rotators, abductors
Attachment, insertion, innervation, and function of tensor fascia lata
Attachment: ASIS
Insertion: IT Band
Innervation: superior gluteal nerve
Function: abductor, lateral rotator of tibia, locks knee
What are the lateral rotators of the leg?
Obturator internus, gemelli brothers, quadratus femoris, piriformis, obturator externus
What is innervated by nerve to obturator internus?
Obturator internus and gemellus superior
What is innervated by the nerve to quadratus femoris?
Quadratus femoris and inferior gemellus
What innervates piriformis?
Branches of ventral rami (S1, S2)
Function of obturator externus
Lateral rotators
What are the muscles of the posterior thigh?
Biceps femoris, semimembranosus, semitendinosus, popliteus
What unlocks the knee?
What is the attachment, function, and innervation of hamstrings?
Attachment: Ischial tuberosity
Function: flexes knee, extends hip
Innervation: sciatic nerve
Pes anserinus is lovingly known as…
What three muscles make up pes anserinus?
Sartorius, gracilis, and semitendinosus
What is the distal attachment of goose foot?
Medial tibia
What are the common tendons used for ACL repair?
Semitendinosus and gracilis tendons
What are components of the saphenous nerve?
What is inside the greater sciatic foramen?
Superior gluteal VAN, inferior gluteal VAN and sciatic nerve
What is the best artery for collateral support of geniculars?
Medial superior genicular artery
What is the continuation of femoral artery?
Popliteal artery
What are the components of the popliteal fossa?
Common fibular nerve, tibial nerve, sural nerve, popliteal artery, lesser saphenous vein, popliteal vein
What is the deepest component of the right popliteal fossa?
Popliteal artery
What is the most superficial component of the popliteal fossa?
Lesser saphenous vein and sural vein
What is in the intermediate layer of the popliteal fossa?
Tibial nerve and popliteal vein
What is the deepest component of the popliteal fossa?
Popliteal artery
What forms the floor of the popliteal fossa?
What is the muscle that prevents pelvis from tilting when walking?
Gluteus medius
What extends the leg?
Quadriceps femoris
What is the major artery of the femur?
Medial femoral circumflex artery
What is the spinal level of the patellar reflex?
Innervation of adductor magnus
Obturator, tibial portion of sciatic