Attachments Flashcards
What attaches to the coracoid process?
Short head of biceps brachii, coracobrachialis, pectoralis minor
What attaches to the greater tubercle?
Supraspinatus, infraspinatus, teres minor
What attaches to the lesser tuberosity?
What attaches to the deltoid tuberosity?
What attaches to the radial tuberosity?
Biceps brachii
What attaches to the coronoid process?
Brachialis, flexor digitorum superficialis, flexor digitorum profundus
What attaches to the supraglenoid tubercle?
Long head of biceps brachii
What attaches to the infraglenoid tubercle?
Long head of triceps brachii
What attaches to the medial epicondyle?
Pronator teres, flexor carpi radialis, palmaris longus, flexor digitorum superficialis, flexor carpi ulnaris
What attaches on the lateral epicondyle of the humerus?
Extensor carpi radialis longus and brevis, extensor digitorum, extensor digiti minimi, extensor carpi ulnaris, anconeus
What attaches on the superior angle of the scapula?
Levator scapulae
What attaches onto the medial border of the scapula?
Rhomboid major, minor, serratus anterior
What attaches on the inferior angle of the scapula?
Teres minor
What attaches onto the lateral border of the scapula?
Teres major
What attaches onto the spine of scapula/acromion?
Trapezius and deltoid
What attaches to the greater trochanter?
Piriformis, obturator internus, gemellus superior, gemellus inferior, gluteus minimus, gluteus medius
What attaches to the lesser trochanter?
Psoas major, iliacus
What attaches to the ischial tuberosity?
Biceps femoris, semimembranosus, semitendinosus
What attaches onto the medial condyle of the femur?
Gastrocnemius -> medial head
What attaches onto the adductor tubercle?
Adductor magnus
What attaches onto the lateral condyle of the femur?
Gastrocnemius -> lateral head, popliteus, tibialis anterior, extensor digitorum longus
What attaches onto the lateral condyle of the tibia?
Vastus intermedius, extensor digitorum longus
What attaches onto the medial condyle of tibia?
What attaches onto tibial tuberosity?
Patellar tendon
What attaches onto the pes anserinus?
Semitendinosus, gracilis, sartorius
What attaches onto the fibular head?
Biceps femoris, soleus
What attaches onto the 5th metatarsal?
Fibularis brevis
What attaches into 1st metatarsal?
Fibularis longus
What attaches onto the ASIS?
What attaches onto the AIIS?
Rectus femoris