Pneumonia Flashcards
What is it?
inflammation of the lungs caused by bacteria
alveoli become filled with inflammatory cels and lungs are solid
red heptization
grey heptization
patchy and diffuse
lower lobes and producing fine crackles on auscultation
most common in elders or immobilise, most have dysphagia
lobar pneumonia
confined to a lobe
localised pleuritic pain
limits tidal volume and mobility
Aspiration pneumonia
inhalation of foreign objects in the airways
inflammatory mediators cause bronchospasm and viscous pneumonitis that corrodes the alveoli- capillary membrane
depletes surfactant
may cause pulmonary oedema, haemorrhage and necrosis
Pneumocystis jiroveci penumonia
fungus normally lives in human lungs
they damage alveoli lining causing hyperaemia, SOB< chills, sweating pleuritic pain and dry cough
fine scattered crackles or normal auscultation
weakening of structures leads to pneumothorax and other barotrauma
Legionella pneumonia
can lead survivors with permeant lung fibrosis
occurs through contaminated water systems
Bronchiolitis obliterates organising pneumonia
granulation tissue filling the distal bronchioles and alveoli
indolent inflammatory extension of primary process
Hospital acquired pneumonia
caused by cross infection between patients
Red hepazitization
consistency of the lungs is like the liver
alveolar capillaries are engorged with blood
fibrous exudates fill the alveoli
lungs become hypeaemic
Grey hepazization
compression of the capillaries due to pressure of exudates in the alveoli
leukocytes migrate into the congested alveoli
large number of macrophages enter the alveolar space
fluid infiltrate causes sputum
fibrous inflammation may extend across the pleural space, causing a rub heard by auscultation
may lead to pleural adhesions
Pneumonia presentation
raised respiratory rate >30bpm
low bp <60mmHg diastolic and <90 systolic
over 65 years
raised blood urea nitrogen (over 7mmol/litre)