PMI Code of Ethics and Prof. Conduct Flashcards
Which standards describe the conduct that we as project management professionals should strive to uphold?
Aspirational Standards
Which standards describe firm requirements that we as project management professionals must adhere to?
Mandatory Standards
What are the 4 core values that are most important to the project management community?
- Responsibility - Respect - Fairness - Honesty
Are the aspirational and mandatory standards mutually exclusive?
No. It means a particular breach may violate both the standards.
What is the definition of Responsibility, in the context of ethics and professional conduct?
Our duty to take ownership for the decisions we make or fail to make, the actions we take or fail to take, and the consequences that result.
What is the only way for a project management practitioner to resolve conflict of interest?
To disclose the conflict to the parties affected by the conflict and let them make a decision on how he/she should proceed.
Is making decisions in the best interest of the society an aspirational or a mandatory standard?
Accepting only those assignments that we are skilled or qualified to do demonstrates which core value?
Fulfilling our commitment demonstrates which core value?
Is accepting accountability for our mistakes and the resulting consequences an aspirational standard or a mandatory standard?
Is the protection of confidential information entrusted on us an aspirational standard or a mandatory standard?
Is upholding the policies, rules, regulations and laws that govern our work an aspirational or mandatory standard?
Is reporting unethical or illegal conduct an aspirational or mandatory standard?
What should we ensure before filing an ethics complaint?
Ensure that the ethics complaint is substantiated by facts.
What should we do when we come across individuals who knowingly make false allegations against others?
We should pursue disciplinary action against them.
When we inform ourselves of norms and customs of others, which core value do we exhibit?
When we listen to others’ viewpoint and try to understand them, which core value do we exhibit?
What should we do with people with whom we have a conflict or disagreement?
We should approach them directly and try to resolve the conflict or disagreement.
By conducting ourselves in a professional manner, which core value do we exhibit?
Is negotiating in good faith an aspirational standard or a mandatory standard?
Acting in an abusive manner violates which core value?
Infringing on the property rights of others is a violation of which core value?
By exercising our power of expertise or position to manipulate others, which standard do we violate?
Mandatory Standard for Respect
By demonstrating transparency in our decision-making, which core value do we exhibit?
By demonstrating impartiality and objectivity, which core value do we exhibit?
By not providing equal access to information to those who are authorized to access it, which standard do we violate?
Aspirational Standard for Fairness
If we do not provide equal information to all the qualified bidders in a bidding process, which standard are we violating?
Aspirational Standard for Fairness
Is proactively disclosing all real and potential conflicts of interest to the stakeholders an aspirational standard or a mandatory standard?
What should we do if we determine that we have a potential conflict of interest?
Refrain from decision-making until we have made a full disclosure to the stakeholders and received their consensus to proceed.
By discriminating with others based on their religion, gender, caste, creed, race, nationality, age, etc., which standard do we violate?
Mandatory Standard for Fairness
Exhibiting nepotism in professional matters is a violation of which standard?
Mandatory Standard for Fairness
Being truthful in our communication and conduct is a demonstration of which core value?
Having the courage to share bad news even if it is received poorly is a demonstration of which core value?
Is creating an environment in which others feel safe to tell the truth an aspirational or a mandatory standard?
Stating misleading or false information is a violation of which standard?
Mandatory Standard for Honesty
Is providing accurate information in a timely manner something that is mandatory or something that we should aspire to do?
We should aspire to provide accurate information in a timely manner.
Whom does the PMI Code of Ethics and Professional Conduct apply to?
PMI Code of Ethics and Professional Conduct applies to: - All PMI members - PMI credential holders - PMI credential applicants - PMI volunteers
Paying fee to government officials in a foreign country is a common practice to get permits to do business in that country. Should you pay such fees?
No. Usually such fees to government officials are considered bribe and are against the law.
The belief in inherent superiority of one’s own culture or group reflects?