PIMGRK 1F Flashcards
An American woman is at the restaurant with her husband.
Μια Αμερικανίδα ειναι στο εστιατόριο με τον άντρα της.
S/he is speaking to the waiter
μιλάει στον γκαρσόνι.
γκ is pronounced as a ‘G’, as in gory, gain, gable
waiter = masculine gender
saleswoman = feminine gender
girl = neuter gender
What do you have?
(asking a waiter what they have on offer)
Τι έχετε;
My husband would like to drink some beer (have a beer).
Ο άντρας μου θα ήθελε να πιει λίγη μπύρα.
I’ll have some wine.
Θα πιω λίγο κρασί.

a beer for the gentleman
μια μπύρα για τον κύριο
Nominative case: Κύριε (Kýrie)
Genitive case: Κυρίου (Kyrióu)
Dative case: Κυρίῳ (Kyriói)
Accusative case: Κύριε (Kýrie)
Vocative case: κύριο (kýrio)
You speak very quickly.
You speak too quickly.
Μιλάτε πολύ γρήγορα.
Μιλάτε πάρα πολύ γρήγορα.
This is very expensive.
Αυτό είναι πολύ ακριβά.
five-hundred drachmas
fifty-six drachmas
sixty-one drachmas < > six-one boys
forty-five drachmas
**πεντακόσιες δραχμές
πενήντα έξι δραχμές
εξήντα μία δραχμές < > εξήντα ένα αγόρια
σαράντα πέντε δραχμές
ένα before masculine and neuter words
μία before feminine words
sixty-eight thousand - it’s too expensive!
εξήντα οχτώ χιλιάδες - είναι πάρα πολύ ακριβά!
I can give you some money.
Μπορώ να σας δώσω μερικά λεφτά.

είκοσι ένα
I am going to give you fifty-three drachmas.
Θα σας δώσω πενήντα τρεις δραχμές.
Where is your wife?
My wife, I don’t know.
Που είναι η γυναίκα σας;
Η γυναίκα μου, δεν ξέρω.
Who is over there?
Ποιος είναι εκεί;
Is this your wife?
Αυτή είναι η γυναίκα σας;
As to her, she isn’t here.
Αυτή, δεν είναι εδώ.
My husband is here.
Ο άντρας μου είναι εδώ.
the - definite article
takes different forms depending on the object’s gender (masculine, feminine, neutral) and number - take your pick and check your answer against the table in the ‘Answer’ side of this card.
As to him, he is here.
Αυτός, είναι εδώ.
What would your husband like to drink?
Τι θα ήθελε να πιει ο άντρας σας;
άνδρας is masculine/nominative thus the definite article here is: ο
As for him, he would like to drink some beer.
Αυτός, θα ήθελε να πιει λίγη μπύρα.
Come in please!
Περάστε παρακαλώ!
Other than an invitation to come in, can also mean:
* “Step aside” or “Make way”: Περάστε can also be used as a command to ask someone to move out of the way or to make space for others to pass through.
* “Move on” or “Proceed”: In some contexts, Περάστε can be used to indicate that someone should continue or proceed with a particular action or task.
What would she like to drink?
Τι θα ήθελε να πιει;
Where do you live?
I live on Victory Street.
With whom?
With my wife.
Που μένεις / μένετε;
Μένω στην οδό Νίκης.
Με ποιον;
Με τη γυναίκα μου.
conjugate the verb to live in the present, future or past - as needed.
We would like to drink something.
Θα θέλαμε να πιούμε κάτι.
My husband and I would like to drink some water.
Ο άντρας μου και εγώ θα θέλαμε να πιούμε λίγο νερό.
My wife and I don’t live here.
Η γυναίκα μου και εγώ δεν μένουμε εδώ.
We’d like to drink some water.
Θα θέλαμε να πιούμε λίγο νερό.
He’d like to drink water.
(not ‘some’)
Θα ήθελε να πιει νερό.
Where do you live in America?
We live in Washington.
Πού μένετε στην Αμερική;
Μένουμε στην Ουάσινγκτον.
What do you have?
I have beer or water.
(enquiring as to what they have on offer)
Τι έχετε;
Έχω μπύρα ή νερό.
Who is over there?
Is that your wife?
Ποιος είναι εκεί;
Αυτή είναι η γυναίκα σας;
What would your husband like to drink?
Τι θα ήθελε να πιει ο άντρας σας;
Pleased to meet you.
Χαίρω πολύ.
the verb Χαίρω means to rejoice
As for him, he is in America.
Αυτός, είναι στην Αμερική..
Where do you live?
I live in America.
Που μένετε;
Μένω στην Αμερική.
Do you have children?
Where are they?
They are in America.
They are with my wife.
Εχετε παιδιά?
Πού είναι?
Είναι στην Αμερική.
Είναι με τη γυναίκα μου.
How many children do you have?
We have three children.
Πόσα παιδιά έχετε?
Έχουμε τρία παιδιά.
two boys and one girl
δύο αγόρια και ένα κορίτσι
We would like a boy but we have four girls.
That’s a lot (of children…).
Θα θέλαμε ένα αγόρι αλλά έχουμε τέσσερα κορίτσια.
Είναι πολλά.
The indefinite article “a” in Modern Greek has three forms, depending on the gender and case of the noun that follows it.
The indefinite article also has different forms depending on the case of the noun. The nominative case is the most common case, and it is used when the noun is the subject of the sentence. The genitive case is used to show possession, and the accusative case is used to show the direct object of the sentence.
The boy is big.
Is the girl big?
They are big.
Το αγόρι είναι μεγάλο.
Είναι μεγάλο το κορίτσι;
Είναι μεγάλα.
They are not in America,
they are with my wife.
Δεν είναι στην Αμερική,
είναι με τη γυναίκα μου.
We have two boys.
Έχουμε δύο αγόρια.
singular: αγόρι
The word ‘αγόρι’ is neuter in gender.
a boy = ένα αγόρι
the boy = το αγόρι
the boys = τα αγόρια
The boys are very big.
Τα αγόρια είναι πολύ μεγάλα.
αγόρι is a neuter gender word, which is reflected in the word’s plural, the word’s definite article (the) as well as the adjective)
Now you will speak to Mrs. Papas.
Τώρα θα μιλήσετε με την κυρία Παπά.
You live in America, don’t you?
Mένετε στην Αμερική, έτσι δεν είναι;
έτσι δεν είναι; literally means ‘isn’t that right?’
Answer the questions!
Απαντήστε στις ερωτήσεις!
Answer the question (singular) would be:
Απαντήστε στην ερώτηση!
Do you have girls as well?
Έχετε και κορίτσια;
The kids are here, with us.
Τα παιδιά είναι εδώ, μαζί μας.
Grammar break:
read about the various ways the definite article ‘the’ is written in Greek, depending on genre, number and case.
Here are some examples of how the definite article is used with nouns in different cases:*
Nominative case (subject):
ο άντρας (o ánthras) - the man
η γυναίκα (i gynaíka) - the woman
το παιδί (to pedí) - the child
Accusative case (direct object):
βλέπω τον άντρα (vlépo ton ánthra) - I see the man
ακούω τη γυναίκα (akoúo ti gynaíka) - I hear the woman
φέρνω το παιδί (férno to pedí) - I bring the child
Genitive case (possessive):
το αυτοκίνητο του άντρα (to aftokínito tou ánthra) - the man’s car
η τσάντα της γυναίκας (i tsánta tis gynaíkas) - the woman’s bag
τα παιχνίδια του παιδιού (ta paichnídia tou pedioú) - the child’s toys
Isn’t that right?
‘Ετσι δεν είναι;
the ‘γκ’ combo is pronounced G, as in guest, gore, gable
γκαρσόνι is a neuter word