Physical & Cognitive Development in Middle & Late Childhood Flashcards
Body growth in middle and late childhood
Slow and consistent, average of 2-3 inches a year until 11
-Gain 5-7 pounds per years, decrease baby fat and increase muscle mass
Motor development-
Become smoother and more coordinated
- Boys usually outperform girls in gross motor skills
- Increased myelination, improvement in fine motor skills
- Girls outperform boys in fine motor skills
Kids don’t get enough, more fatigued by long periods of sitting rather than running
- Middle to late childhood time of excellent health
- childhood obesity more likely in girls
second leading cause of death kids 5 to 14
-#1 is Leukemia
Significant changes in prefrontal cortex-emotional regulation
- Synaptic pruning
- Cognitive control
- Flexible and effective
Learning Disabilities
Difficulty understanding or using language, math, reading, etc.
- Three times as many boys classified
- 80% are reading problems
Severe impairment, inability to spell and write
Difficulty in handwriting
Difficulty in math computation
Difficulty paying attention or give too much attention to something ( Inattention/Impulsivity, hyperactivity)
-ADD and ADHD are often diagnosed with other conditions
Autism spectral disorder
Social interaction, verbal and non verbal communication, repetitive behavior
Autistic disorder
Deficiencies in social relationships, abnormal communication, restricted repetitive behavior
Asberger syndrome
Mild autism
Individualized Education Plan, spells out program specifically tailored to student with disability
Least Restrictive Environment, setting similar as possible where children without disabilities are educated
Education special needs child full time in regular classroom
Individuals with Disabilities Education (Improvement) Act, 1990, public law 94-142
concrete operation that involves ordering stimuli along a quantitate dimension such as ordering sticks in order of length
The ability to logically combine relations to understand conclusions
Critical thinking
Thinking reflectively and productively, as well as evaluating the evidence
Creative thinking
The ability to think in novel and unusual ways to come up with unique solutions to problems
Convergent thinking
one answer
divergent thinking
many different answers
Binet test
1905 scale, 30 questions on ranging topics
Mental age
Individuals level of mental development relative to others
Intelligence quotient (IQ)
Mental age divide by chronological age
Wechsler scale
Provides overall IQ score, verbal comprehension index, working memory index, processing speed index
Sternbergs triarchic theory of intelligence
Intelligence consists of analytical intelligence, creative intelligence and practical intelligence
Gardner’s 8 frames of mind
- Verbal- think in words, use language to express meaning
- Mathematical- carry out mathematical operations
- Spatial- think three dimensionally
- Body-kinesthetic- manipulate objects/physically adept
- Musical- sensitivity to pitch, melody, rhythm, and tone
- Interpersonal- understand/interact effectively with others
- Intrapersonal- understand oneself
- Naturalist- observe patterns in nature
Intellectual disability
Condition of limited mental ability, IQ lower than 70, difficulty adapting to everyday life
Having above average intelligence, 130 IQ or higher, superior talent
before reading children know language,
- Whole-language approach stresses reading instruction should parallel children’s natural language learning
- Phonics approach emphasizes reading instruction should teach basic rules for translating written symbols and sounds
Second language learning
bilingualism has positive effect on children’s cognitive development, English language learners