Physical and Cognitive Development in Adolescence Flashcards
Nature of Adolescence
Transitional period, not just a time of rebellion, crisis, pathology and deviance
- Exposed to complex option through media
- Faced with temptation
Brain development
undergo significant changes
Corpus callosum
thickens and improves ability to process information
Prefrontal cortex
doesn’t finish maturing until 18 to 25 years of age or later, regulates emotions
seat of emotion, mature earlier than prefrontal cortex
Not the same as adolescence, period of rapid physical maturation involving hormonal and body changes
Powerful chemicals secreted by endocrine gland, stimulate cells to action
Survival, eating and sexual reproduction
pituitary gland
controls growth and regulates other glands
increased height, change in voice, development of genitals, in both girls and boys
in both boys and girls
first menstruation, has declined significantly since the mid 19th century
Timing and variation of puberty
Basic genetic program for puberty is wired into species , nutrition, health, and other environmental factors influence
Early and late maturation
perceive themselves different, early females increased vulnerability to smoking, drinking, depression, eating disorders, struggle for earlier independence
-Late usually don’t have many side effects
6 to onset puberty, children are in latency stage, then puberty happens and enter genital stage
timing of adolescence
varies by country, gender, or socioeconomic characteristic
STIs and pregnancy
United States pregnancy
one of the highest among industrialized nations
Infants of adolescent parents
likely to have low birth weight, more neurological problems and childhood illnesses
Adolescent mothers
likely to come from low-SES background, some drop out of school some do well
Formal operational thought
Piaget’s fourth and final stage, thinking is more abstract and logical, thinking about what is ideal, thinking about thinking
Hypothetical-deductive reasoning
Systematic way of thinking
Adolescent egocentrism
heightened self-conscience, imaginary audience, personal fable
imaginary audience
“Everyone is staring at me, everyone is interested in what i’m doing”
Personal fable
No one is like me, i am invincible or invulnerable
Body image
preoccupied with their bodies and develop what their bodies are like
- Girls less happy with their bodies
- Boys become more satisfied as they move through puberty
Sleep pattern
only 45% of adolescents studied got inadequate sleep on school night
G Stanley Hall “storm and Stress”
View that adolescence is a turbulent time charged with conflict and mood swings
-most teens display a healthy self image rather than stress and storm however
Male puberty development order
increase in penis and testicle size, appearance of straight public hair, minor voice changes, first ejaculation, onset of maximum growth of height and weight, Hair in armpits, more detectable voice change, growth of facial hair
Female puberty development order
breasts enlarge and pubic hair appears, hair in armpits