Becoming an Adult Flashcards
Emerging adulthood
delaying marriage, achieving higher levels of education, late into labor force, delay in career choices, delaying families
five key features of emerging adulthood
1-Identity exploration 2- Instability 3- Self-focused 4-Feeling in-between 5-Age of possibilities
Changes in residence, careers frequently, world views, spirituality, personality, and love relationships
Markers of becoming an adult
Holding a permanent, full-time job, economic independence, taking responsibility for oneself, develop emotional control
-Developing countries: Marriage, childbearing, transition to higher education
Allports’ dimensions of maturity
- Extension of self-doing for own sake
- Relating warmly to others
- Emotional security
- realistic perception
- possession of skills and competencies
- knowledge of self
- establishing a unifying philosophy of life
Becoming a competent adult
-Have supportive adults throughout the life, planful, able to be autonomous
From High school to college
replays top-dog phenomenon, movement to a larger/impersonal school structure, interaction with more diverse peers, increased focus and achievement
Benefits of going to college
feel more grown up, more class choices, more time to spend with peers, more opportunities to explore, enjoy greater independence, intellectually challenging
Most divorces occur:
between years 5 and 10, seven year itch
Peak physical performance
before 30, most often between 19 and 26, women reach peak earlier than men, athletes even reach peak
Substance abuse
By mid-twenties many reduce drug and alcohol use, binge drinking: 4+ drinks for women and 5+ drinks for men 10 or more=extreme binge drinking, more common among college men than women, peaks around 21 to 22
postformal thought proposal, adolescents and emerging adults think in similar quantitatively, requires thinking reflectively and relativistic ways
Although decline does happen, its not as drastic a previously thought
College students work
72% undergrads, 20% full time, the longer someone works the worse their grades tend to be.
twice the mortality rates of adolescents, fewer chronic health problems and fewer colds/respiratory infections
-bed health habits of teenage years translate into adulthood
obesity and hypertension
linked together, associated with mental health problems, most effective programs include exercise
recommended exercise for young adults
30 minutes of aerobic exercise a day
-men more likely to exercise than women
Arnett key features of emerging adults
- identity exploration, especially in love and work
- instability
- Self-focused
- feeling in between
- Age of possibilities, a time when individuals have an opportunity to transform their lives