Pheochromocytoma Flashcards
Pheochromocytomas are rare tumors that commonly occur in the _______ ________.
Adrenal Medulla
A pheo in the adrenal medulla will mostly secrete_______ but also __________.
Mostly Norepinephrine but also epinephrine
Peak incidence of pheo’s is what age range?
30s -40s
The 3 familial autosomal dominant disorders associated c pheo’s
Von-hippel-Lindau disease (VHL)
Neruofibromatosis Type 1 (NF1)
Cells that pheo’s arise from in the adrenal medulla
Chromaffin cells
Symptoms are caused by excessive catecholamines that stimulate _______ and _______ receptors
Alpha and Beta
Classic Triad of pheo
tachycardia (palpitations)
T or F: Sustained or paroxysmal HTN is the most common sign.
A typical spell typically will last __ to ___ min
T or F: Pheo spells mimic anxiety reactions
Crisis could lead to…(8 things)
ARDS acute heart failure Pulmonary edema Severe hypotension Kidney failure Liver failure ICH Death
T or F: Early onset HTN (<20 years) does not need to be tested for pheo
False. Early onset
Resistant HTN
HTN with new onset or atypical diabetes (in slender person) should all be tested
1st Step of Dx of pheo
Confirm catecholamine oversecretion
-24hr urine fractionated metanephrines and catecholamines
-Plasma fractionated metanephrines
2nd step of Dx of pheo
Identify tumor on imaging if + for hypersecretion
T or F: If a patients with “spells” tests are normal and show no oversecretion there is no need for further testing.
False. If they have spells you shoiuld repeats tests during a spell
T or F: Treatment for patients with pheo should be immediate surgical resection without any preparatory medications.
Preoperative stabilization should be done:
-Alpha blockers + phenoxybenzamine
-Beta blockers + Liberal salt /fluid intact for 2-3 days
-may also add calcium channel blockers
T or F: For preoperative stabilization you should start Beta blockers first then add in alpha blockers later.
False. Never give B blockers alone.
Avoid Beta blockers for several days until adequate alpha blockade has been established (to avoid HTN crisis from unopposed alpha stim)
T or F: Post surgery patients need 5 years of follow up.
False. Lifetime follow up needed
Metastases might become apparent years later
BP and plasma metanephrines should be checked ___ to ___weeks post op and every ___months for at least 5 years, then yearly for life.
4-6 weeks post op
every 6 months for 5 years
then yearly for life