Acute Coronary Syndromes And Cardiac Conditions Dr. Ross Exam 4 Flashcards
Acute coronary syndrome is which of the following: A. Unstable angina B. Acute myocardial infarction C. STEMI D. NSTEMI E. All of the above
E. All of the above
Is stable angina part of acute coronary syndrome? Y/N
No, not acute
What is good for predicting population risks for coronary artery disease? A. Chest pain B. Upper abd pain C. Past history D. EKG in isolation
C. Past history
Label the following as acute or non-acute:
- Unstable angina
- Stable angina
- Aortic dissection
- Pericarditis
- Acute
- Non-acute
- Acute
- Non-acute
What non-cardio things can cause chest pain?
Pulmonary embolism Pneumonia Spontaneous pneumothorax (tall white dudes) GERD Peptic ulcer Pancreatitis Costrochondritis/broken rib Anxiety
Clinical description of stable vs unstable angina:
Stable angina is when you get chest pain symptoms during moderate physical activity or when you are pushing yourself physically. These symptoms go away with rest/nitro.
Unstable angina is chest pain while doing very little or resting and it intensifies.
Name this cause of acute chest pain:
Usually >30mins duration
Assoc. symptoms include dyspnea, weakness, diaphoresis
Myocardial infarction (MI) heart attack
Name the cause of this acute chest pain:
Chest pain that occurs during moderate physical exercise
Stable angina
Name the cause of this acute chest pain:
Chest pain occurs at rest or with minimal exertion
Unstable angina
Name this cause of acute chest pain:
Sudden, severe pain, may radiate to back
Commonly associated with HTN or connective tissue disease
Aortic dissection
Name the cause of this acute chest pain:
Pleuritic pain, worse in supine position
Fever, pericardial friction rub
Name the cause of this acute chest pain:
Sudden onset of pain, dyspnea, tachypnea, tachycardia
Pulmonary embolism PE
Name the cause of this acute chest pain:
May be assoc. with localized pleuritic pain
Cough, fever, crackles
Name the cause of this acute chest pain:
Unilateral pleuritic pain assoc. with dyspnea and sudden onset
Spontaneous pneumothorax
Name the cause of this acute chest pain:
Burning retrosternal and epicanthic discomfort
Aggravated by large meals and post-radial recumbency
GERD/esophageal reflux
Name the cause of this acute chest pain:
Atypical symptoms for any organ system
Symptoms may persist despite negative evaluations of multiple organ systems
Psychological (like anxiety: saw this a lot in the ED)
A heart score of 0-3:
2.5% chance of major acute coronary event (MACE) in next 6 weeks, discharge home
A heart score of 4-6:
20.3% chance of MACE over next 6 weeks, admit for clinical obs
Heart score of 7-10:
72.7% chance of MACE over next 6 weeks, early invasive strategies (cath lab for stents; surgery for bypass)