Phases, processes and influencing factors of involution in cattle Flashcards
- the recovery of the reproductive tract
- the dam will be able to maintain another pregnancy.
- the period after calving is also called the puerperium
Stages of the involution
- Early:
• from calving until GnRH sensitivity of the hypophysis
• first dominant follicle: 10 to 14 days - Middle:
• until the first ovulation (usually 1 to 2 follicular waves)
• approx. day 21 - Finishing:
• uterine involution is complete (uterine horns and cervix have a diameter of max. 4 cm)
• Re-epithelisation of the caruncules is complete
• approx. day 42 but high deviations (beef cattle – shorter, dairy – usually longer)
Processes of the involution
- uterine involution (decrease in size)
- regeneration of the endometrium
- return of cyclicity in the ovaries
- elimination of bacterial contamination
Processes of the involution
Uterine involution
• Myometrial contractions after calving due to high oxytocin concentration – compression of blood vessels, bleeding ↓
• Uterine content after calving:
o lochia (initially yellowish-brown, later reddish, viscous discharge containing blood
and tissue debris, but with no unpleasant smell):
▪ amniotic (allantoic) fluid
▪ blood
▪ parts of the detaching caruncules
o (fetalmembranes–seeRFM)
Processes of the involution
Uterine involution
- size of the uterus decreases by half by day 5
* complete involution: 3 weeks (from approx. 10 to 13 kg to 1 kg)
Processes of the involution
Uterine involution
Involution of the cervix
- fast decrease in diameter (24 hours – hand barely fits through, 4 days – two fingers fit)
- complete involution: about 30 days
Processes of the involution
Regeneration of the endometrium
- After the detachment of the allantochorion, the caruncules undergo desquamation.
- Regeneration of the area of the caruncules begins at the egdes and proceeds inward.
- Complete regeneration of the epithelium is achieved around day 25.
- Regeneration of the deeper layers can last up to 8 weeks.
Processes of the involution
Return to cyclicity in the ovaries
• pregnancy – high P4 concentration – no ovulation
• calving – P4 ↓ – GnRH ↑ - FSH ↑ - follicular waves begin – dominant follicle
• Fate of the dominant follicle:
o LHpulsefrequencylow(1):atresia
o LH pulse frequency low (2): anovulatory (folliculus theca) cyst
o LH pulse frequency normal: ovulation – corpus luteum (CL) (cycle might be shorter)
• First ovulation: approx. day 21
• BUT! dairy cow: high milk yield, NEB (cause of low LH pulse frequency) – time of first
ovulation can be delayed by several weeks – anestrus – delayedinvolution
Processes of the involution
Elimination of bacterial contamination (uterine clearance)
• During pregnancy the uterine lumen is sterile (?).
• After calving the uterus is colonised by numerous bacterial species through the open cervix.
• Neutrophil granulocytes, cytokins, etc. – elimination of contamination –but! recolonisation
• Uterine flora can change multiple times during the involution.
• Majority of the bacteria involved are not pathogenic.
• Uterine immune response and success of elimination of the contamination is influenced by
several factors: NEB, Ca2+, RFM, …
Factors influencing the involution
Negative energy balance – NEB
Blood calcium concentration
Retention of the fetal membranes (RFM)
Factors influencing the involution
Negative energy balance – NEB:
• dry matter intake!!
• NEB: energy deficit - lipomobilisation – blood NEFA (non-esterified fatty acids) ↑ - liver
oxidation capacity↓ - NEFA oxidation incomplete – ketone bodies (BHB!!)
• Effects of NEB:
o NEB causes lower LH pulse frequency – delayed first ovulation
o ketone bodies: immune response ↓, regeneration delayed • NEB can last 8 to 12 weeks post partum
Factors influencing the involution
Blood calcium concentration
• subclinical hypocalcaemia (73%) or milk fever (1%)
• Effects of hypocalcaemia:
o Ca is needed for uterine contractions:
▪ slower detachment of fetal membranes– RFM
▪ decrease of uterus size is slower– delayed involution
o immune response ↓
o NEB↑
Factors influencing the involution
Retention of the fetal membranes (RFM)
- The allantochorion is attached to the maternal side at the areas of the caruncules (placentoma). They are disconnected by chemical and physical changes due to uterine contraction and loss of blood supply (the caruncule itself DOES NOT CONTAIN muscle tissue!).
- Expulsion of the fetal membranes: max. 24 hours (12 to 24 hours) – after that – RFM
- Causes: polyfactorial
- RFM increases risk of puerperal metritis – delayed involution!
Factors influencing the involution
Retention of the fetal membranes (RFM)
Clinical signs
- general clinical signs are rare
* fetal membrane visible or can be found by rectal/vaginal palpation
Factors influencing the involution
Retention of the fetal membranes (RFM)
Traditional treatment
o manual removal of the fetal membranes (carefully!!), combined with dry uterine
treatment (uterine tablet –Tetra-bol 2000 –oxytetraciyclin) + oxytocin, BUT!
bacterial complications
Factors influencing the involution
Retention of the fetal membranes (RFM)
Modern treatment
o tying up or partially cutting the fetal membranes if they hang from the vulva, treating
the original problem, oxytocinadministration
o NO VAGINAL INSERTION OF ANY KIND! – bacterial contamination and
complications ↓
o if general clinical signs – systemic AB (cephalosporins, e.g. ceftiofur (Naxcel inj.))
and NSAIDs (ketoprofen or meloxicam)