Phase III-Block III-Hydraulics Flashcards
What are some of the Hazards associated with high pressure fluids?
- Accidental injection of fluid under the skin. 2. If a leak occurs, this may take on the aspects of a laser and can cut or kill. 3. A leak may cause an invisible mist, which is toxic when ingested.
Why is it bad if the hydraulic fluid becomes contaminated?
- It will clog filters and destroy system components resulting in loss of a hydraulic system.
What is the prime objective of the hydraulic contamination program?
It is to achieve and maintain a satisfactory level of fluid purity in hydraulic systems, thereby providing for safe and efficient operation of naval aircraft and support equipment.
What class of contamination levels are maintained for naval aircraft and support equipment?
Naval aircraft is class five and support equipment is level three
Explain Pascal’s law?
Pascal’s law states the pressure exerted anywhere upon an enclosed liquid is transmitted undiminished, in all directions, to the interior of the container.
Explain Bernoulli’s principle?
Bernoulli’s principle states that an increase in the speed of the fluid occurs simultaneously with a decrease in pressure.
Explain the hydraulic pumps on the C-130T aircraft?
The C-130T has four engine-driven pumps that supply 3000 psi pressure to the utility and boost hydraulic systems.
Explain the utility hydaulic System?
The utility system is powered by two engine driven pumps located on the back side of the #1 & #2 engine gearboxes.
Explain the booster hydraulic System?
The boost system is powered by two engine driven pumps located on the back side of the # 3 & #4 engine gearboxes.
Explain the Auxiliary system?
It has an electric AC motor-driven pump supplies pressure to the auxiliary system and is backed up by a hand pump. The auxiliary pump is located on the port side, aft of the paratroop door.
True or False The hydraulic system cannot maintain constant pressure during zero or negative “g” maneuvers.
What is a hydraulic reservoir?
Hydraulic Reservoirs are the fluid storehouse for the hydraulic system. Each system reservoir holds enough fluid for operational use and to replace fluid lost through minor leakage or evaporation.
What is the capacity of the Utility reservoir?
It holds 6.5 gallons and is mounted on the port side of the cargo compartment
What is the capacity of the Booster Reservoir?
It holds 2.0 gallons and is mounted on the right side of the cargo compartment.
What is the capacity of the Auxiliary reservoir?
It holds 5.8 gallons and is mounted aft of the ramp on the port side.
What does the utility system run?
F- Flaps B- Brakes G- Landing Gear N- Nose Wheel Steering P- Portion of the flight controls I- Inflight refueling reels
What does the booster system run?
P- Portion of the flight controls
What does the auxiliary system run?
C- Cargo Ramp & Door E- Emergency Brakes E- Emergency nose gear extension E- Emergency operation of the in-flight refueling reels