Command Sorm & Organization Flashcards
What is the Administration department responsible for?
Administration takes care of official correspondence, personal records & directives.
What is the safety department responsible for?
- Ground safety
- Aviation safety
- Naval Air Training and Operating Procedures Standardization (NATOPS)
What is the operations department responsible for?
They are responsible for the operational readiness & tactical efficiency.
What is the maintenance department responsible for?
They are responsible for the overall maintenance of the squadron’s aircraft.
What division’s are the maintenance department divided into?
- Maintenance / Material Control
- Maintenance Admin
- Quality Assurance
- Aircraft, Avionics/Armament
- Airframe Division
What does a typical aircraft squadron’s organizational chart look like?
Commanding Officer
Executive Officer
Ops. Dept. / Admin. Dept. \ Maint. Dept.
/ \
Safety Dept. Additional Dept.’s
What are the two chains of command (COC) within the dual chain?
- Operational COC
2. Administrative COC
Describe the Operational COC?
The Operational COC is from the President through the Secretary of Defense (SECDEF) to a commander of a unified or specified command to assigned operational forces.
Describe the Administrative COC?
An Administrative COC is from the Secretary of Navy (SECNAV) through the Chief of Naval Operations to the operating forces.
Who do Unified and Specified commanders operate under?
They operate under the control and direction of the joint Chiefs of Staff.
What are Unified Commands composed of?
They are composed of two or more services. It has a broad continuing mission and has a single commander.
What are the three Unified commands?
- Joint Forces Command
- Transportation Command
- Strategic Command
What are specified commands composed of?
- North American Aerospace Defense Command (NORAD)
2. Air Mobility Command (AMC)
Who is the SECNAV?
Richard V. Spencer
What is the SECNAV’s job?
The SECNAV is a civilian in charge of the Department of the Navy (DON). The SECNAV is responsible for the policies and control of the DON, including its organization, administration, operation and efficiency.
Who is the Chief of Naval Operations (CNO)?
Admiral John M. Richardson.
What is the CNO’s job?
The CNO is the senior military officer of the DON and outranks all other Naval officers unless a naval officer is serving as the chairman of the Joint Chiefs of Staff. He serves as the principle advisor to the President and SECNAV on the conduct of war. He/She also services as the principle naval advisor and executive of the SECNAV on conduct of DON activities.
Who is the Functional Wing Commander?
Captain Chad Baker
What is the functional wing commanders job?
Wing Commanders are responsible for the aircraft material readiness, administration, training and inspection of squadron’s under their command.
Who is the Type commanding officer (CO) of VR-62?
CDR Ryan T. Dill
What is the CO’s job?
Type squadron commanders are responsible for the maintenance and material condition of aeronautical equipment assigned to their cognizance for the operation and support of the naval aviation mission.
Who is the Master Chief Petty Officer of the Navy (MCPON)?
MCPON Steven Giordano
What is the MCPON’s job?
The MCPON is the Navy’s senior enlisted member. He/She acts as senior enlisted advisor to the CNO in all matters pertaining to enlisted personnel.
Who is the Force Master Chief (FORCM) of the naval reserves?
Command Master Chief Christopher D. Kotz
What is the FORCM’s job
Serves as principle enlisted advisor to Force group commanders.
Who is the FLSW Master Chief?
CMDCM Jon Raney
What is the FLSW Master Chief’s job?
Serves as principle enlisted advisor to the Wing commander in chief.
Who is the command master chief of VR-62?
CMDCM (AW/FMF/SW) Steve Lupton