pharm lecture 4 medicine Flashcards
Complementary medicine
used together WITH conventional medicine
alternative medicine
used in PLACE OF conventional medicine, takes a holistic multibody approach
conventional medicine
focuses on physical components of the ill patient, emphasis placed on diagnosis and cure based on physical symptoms
complementary and alternative medicine
why has the use of CAM increased? -4
~overall dissatisfaction with conventional health care
~desire for greater control over one’s health
~need to blend cultural and philosophical congruence with personal beliefs
~belief in the effectiveness of alternative therapies
therapeutic objectives {major areas} -5
reasons for acupuncture/acupressure -3
~ pain
reasons for yoga -3
~forces in correct balance and flow
~concentration, strength, flexibility, symbolic movements
~breathing, movements, and posture
reasons for tai chi -3
~promoted flow of energy
~reduces sx. of fibromyalgia
~used in cardiac rehab programs
it is based on the idea that an unseen “life force energy” flows through us and is what causes us to be alive
biologically based therapies -4
~dietary therapies
how does the FDA categorize herbs
as a food and nutritional supplements NOT as drugs
dietary supplement health and education act of 1994 -3
~package labeling
~adverse effects
~impurities, adulterants, variability
current good manufacturing practices -2
~require quality control procedures
~labeling to reflect active and inactive ingredients
dietary supplements and nonprescription drug consumer protection act prevents -5
~life-threatning experiences
~persistant or significant disabilities
~birth defects
U.S. pharmacopoeia
private quality certification programs ensure -6
~accuracy of labeling
what an RN needs to know about herbals -3
~may delay important diagnoses and treatment
~make certain MD or PCP is aware of patients use of herbals
~what to assess and instruct patient regarding herbal therapy
goal of RN and herbals
is to help patients be informed consumers
ginko biloba
reduces memory problems, dementia, peripheral vascular disease
ginko biloba SE
bleeding when used with anticoagulants
lowers cholesterol, lowers BP, natural antibiotic
garlic SE
causes blood sugar to drop, can cause bleeding
ginger root
used to treat nausea or joint pain
ginger root SE
bleeding, decrease BP, irregular HR, decrease blood sugar
threat migraines, start prophylaxis
feverfew SE
bleeding, uterine contrations
builds immunity, wound healing
echinacea SE
immune system suppression
St. Johns Wort
ease mild to moderate depression
St.Johns Wort SE
Contraindicated for major depression, do not use with other antidepressants
valerian root
used to help sleep, safe but ineffective
valerian root SE
potentiates CNS depressant
relieves anxiety, promotes sleep, relaxes muscles
kava SE
liver damage
damages heart and CNS, banned from U.S.
mind-body interventions -5
~guided imagery
equine therapy {horse}
nurses role -3
~educate the public
~teach signals of fraudulent practice
~avoid fake “healers”