Braden Scale Flashcards
- Completely limited (sensory perception)
Unresponsive, limited ability to feel pain over most of the body
- Very limited (sensory perception)
Only reacts to painful stimuli, cannot communicate discomfort, sensory impairment over half the body
- Slightly limited (sensory perception)
Reacts to verbal commands, cannot always communicate discomfort, sensory impairment to one or two extremities
- No impairment (sensory perception)
Reacts to verbal commands, no sensory deficit
- Constantly moist (moisture)
Perspiration, urine, etc., Always moist
- Very Moist (moisture)
often but not always moist, linen changed at least once a shift
Occasionally moist (moisture)
Extra linen changed every day
rarely moist (moisture)
Usually dry
- bedfast (activity)
Never out of bed
- Chairfast (activity)
ambulation severely limited or non-existent, cannot bear own weight– assisted to chair
walks occasionally (activity)
Short distances daily with or without assistance, majority of time in bed or chair
- Walks frequently
Walks outside of the room (long distances) 2x per day, inside room every 2 hrs during waking hours
- Completely immobile (mobility)
Makes no change in body or extremity position
- Very limited (mobility)
Occasional slight changes in position, Unable to make frequent/significant changes independently
- Slightly limited (mobility)
Frequent slight changes independently