PET revision: Christianity beliefs and teachings Flashcards
The belief that there is life in some form after the death of the physical body
Day of judgment
A time when the world will end and every soul will be judged by god either rewarded or punished
Nothing happens after death until judgment day, where the dead will be brought back to life and given an Immortal, eternal body
Immortality of the soul
The belief that humans have a body and a soul which survives death and after death goes to a spiritual (non-physical) place where god is
A state of eternal happiness in the presence of God; the place of eternal peace ruled over by God
The place of eternal suffering/torture or the state of being without God
The immediate state where the soul are cleansed in order to enter heaven
Name for the Devil - the power and source of evil
Omni potent
Omni benevolent
The inconsistent triad
The belief that there are three ideas of God, but only two of them can be true e.g. If God loves me, he would send blessings to the sick, he has not sent blessings.
Any action or thought that separates humans from God, behaviour which is against God’s laws and wishes or against principles of morality
Original sin
An Augustine Christian Doctrine that says that everyone is born with a built-in urge to do bad things and to disobey God; an important Doctrine within the catholic church
Saving the soul, deliverance from sin and admission to heaven brought about by Jesus
A quality of God which God shows to humans by providing love and support which they do not need to earn
Evangelical believe in…
Protestant believe in…
Roman Catholics believe in…
Resurrection and immortality
The supreme being
A distinct group within the Christian faith, within its own organisations and traditions
A religion that believes that there is only one God
Qualities of God
He has no restrictions based on power
He does not have a human form
God is Holy, set apart from everything else for a special purpose
God will do good for all people
The trinity
The trinity is God; God is the father, the son and the holy spirit. There are three distinct persons, each person is God, there is only one God
God - the father
Creator of the universe, the father of Jesus. Loving father of all people, addressed as “our father”
God - the son
Jesus. Has always existed but became human (incarnated) for a time. Shows the human, loving side of god
God - the holy spirit
Can take any form. The giver of life. Lives in people who believe in God
Holy week - Sunday
Palm Sunday - The day Jesus rides into Bethlehem
Holy week - Thursday
Maunday Thursday - Passover, Jesus and his followers are having THE LAST SUPPER, Jesus is then arrested by the Romans and then taken to Pontius Pilate
Holy week - Friday
Good Friday - Jesus is beaten, whipped, they make him carry his own cross, he is then nailed to it at 9:00 am and is crucified at 15:00
Holy week - Saturday
Holy Saturday - Sabbath, followers spend the day mourning him. The day of rest
Holy Week - Sunday (2)
Jesus is resurrected
The Last Supper
The last supper before Jesus’s death, with his followers
Jesus’s arrest
Soldiers sent by Judas, they arrested Jesus
Pontius Pilate
Put Jesus on trial, the crowd got to choose who to set free, they chose to set free a murderer.