DNA - John Tate Page 52 to 55 Flashcards
Learn all john tate lines
John tate line after “screwed”
No, no, it’s not, no lou, we’re not
Line after “we are screwed “
No, lou, we’re not….it’s not, we’re not…nothing’s…
Line after “it is”
No,no,no, look, there I have to, I really have to, you’re going to have to listen to me on this one, and you are going to have to believe me. Everything Is, everything’s fine
Line after “it is”
No,no,no, look, there I have to, I really have to, you’re going to have to listen to me on this one, and you are going to have to believe me. Everything Is, everything’s fine
Line after “fine”
Not fine, no
Line after Danny’s “fine”
Not fine exactly, alright, fair enough, I mean things are bad, things are a little, alright, yes, I’m I’m not trying to hide the, this is tricky, it’s a tricky
Lien after “situation”
Situation, but it’s not, because actually what you are saying is a very negative, and that’s
Look, haven’t I looked after things before?
Line after “this is different”
Lou, are you scared of anyone in this school?
Line after “you?”
Apart from me?
Line after “no”
Line after “Richard maybe”
Exactly, that’s exactly, that’s what I’m saying - Richard, you’re scared of, are you?… - I mean you can walk down ay corridor in this- I don’t think Richard’s - any corridor in this school and you know no one bothers you and if you want something it’s yours and no one bothers you and everyone respects you and everyone’s scared of you and who made that, I mean I’m not trying to boast, but who made that happen?
Line after “you”
Thank you, so are things really that bad?
Line after “yes”
Richard? I mean are you really?
Line after “ this is different john. This is
Alright, it’s a little bit
Line after “ dentists don’t get mixed up in things. I’ve got a plan. I’ve got a plan john, I’ve made plans, this is not…”
It’s a bit serious, but let’s not, I mean come on, let’s not overplay the, the, the
Line after “he’s dead”
The gravity..of well, yes, okay, fair enough, but
Line after “he’s dead, john”
Alright, I’m not denying, am I denying? No I’m
Line after “he’s dead”
Well don’t keep saying it
Line after “he’s dead”
Well, don’t keep saying it
Line after “but he is dead”
Well, you just, you’re saying it again, didn’t I just -
Line after “because he’s dead, John, he’s dead, dead is what he is so we have to use that word to -“
Alright, new rule; that word is banned
Line after “what, dead?”
Line after “banned?”
Yes. Banned. Sorry
Line after “you can’t ban a word:”
And if anyone says it ik going to have to, you know, bite their face or something