History - cold war quiz Flashcards
Two key differences between a capitalist and a communist
- Communist - everything is owned by the state, capitalist, things are owned by the people
- Wealth distribution - capitalist, people earn their living, money, property, material objects etc
3 leaders that attended the Yalta conference
- Roosevelt
- Churchill
- Stalin
two key decisions made in Yalta
The splitting up of Germany
that Berlin would also be divided
3 leaders who attended Potsdam
- Truman
- Attlee
- Stalin
Two Japanese cities that were bombed in 1945
- Nagasaki
- Hiroshima
March 1946, how did Churchill describe the division between the East and West?
In a speech, he labelled the division as an “iron curtain”. Emphasising that the division was an unbreakable barrier
3 countries that were soviet satellite states by 1948
Hungary, Czechoslovakia, Yugoslavia
What was the Truman Doctrine?
A policy of containment conducted by President Harry Truman - To try and keep communism from spreading to other countries
What was the Marshall Plan and Marshall aid? What did Stalin accuse the Americans of doing?
The Marshall Plan was a policy made by George marshall where the Americans would help European countries by giving them money, artillery etc. (This was called Marshall aid.) Stalin accused the Americans of trying to steal back once capital countries
Cominform is short for
Communist Information Bureau
3 countries involved in Comecon
Why did the allies have to airlift supplies to West Berlin in June 1945
Because the Soviets blocked all other ways of transport, e.g railway, canal
Two results of the Berlin blockade
- West and East Germany was established
- NATO was formed
What was the purpose of the formation of NATO
the purpose of the formation of NATO was so the North Atlantic countries could share security
Why did the American get involved in the Korean war, name 2 policies
The Americans got involved in the Korean war because they wanted to prevent the spread of communism
1. containment
2. domino theory
Name of General that led Un forces to Korea
Name of dividing line between north and south Korea
38th parallel
3 features of de-Stalinisation
- Returning stalinised names to original e.g Stalingrad to Petrograd
- The freedom of the press
- Stalin statues were taken down
How did Khrushchev’s policy change relationships between the East and West (name policy)
Detente - cooled relationships down due to the theory of MAD, scared that there would be nuclear warfare
ICBM missiles
Intercontinental ballistic missiles - long-range missiles that could be fired from land
(in 1955) West Germany was admitted to NATO, what was the reaction of the Eastern powers to this, and which countries joined this new organisation
They created the Warsaw pact, the countries that belonged to this were, Russia, Bulgaria, Hungary
What marked the beginning of the space race
the launch of Sputnik
What action did Russia take on Nagy when he wanted to leave the Warsaw pact
They captured him, and executed him for treason
What were the main features of a U2 plane, why was it a benefit to the west during the cold war
The U2 plane had a camera on it, this was useful during the cold war because it meant the countries could spy on each other
Why did the U2 affect friendly talks between the east and west?
Although they kept negotiating, they kept spying on each other, which meant trust couldn’t be made
Who outed Batista from Cuba
Fidel Castro
3 results of the Cuban Missile Crisis
Soviet missiles were removed from Cuba
The USA ended the quarantine
Cuba remained communist
2 results of the Czechoslovakia uprising
end of one-party rule
they had freedom and less cencorship
Guerrilla warfare
Tactics the vietcong used. Warfare based on suprise attacks. Used by smaller armies when facing stronger oppsition
Truman Doctrine
Truman’s Doctrine of “containment”, stopping communism spreading by military, seconomic and other means
Iron curtain
Churchill’s phrase to show Europe divided between East and west - communism and capitalism.
Marshall plan
June 1947, luaunched by George Marshall. USA thought poorer countries were more likely to become communist
$13bn went to European countries, also helped them rebuild if they were capitalist
Stalin stopped Eastern countries joining by creating Comecon as an alternative
Truman Doctrine year and explanation
March 1947. He said the USA would contain communism by offering to help countries under threat from it. USA became more involved in Europe
Stalemate created Cominform to unite all Eastern European communist countries as a result
Military alliance
North Atlantic treaty organisation
USA, Canada, and western Europe to help West vs Russia.
Joined forces and agreed to protect eachother.
Nuclear weapons were held by Britain, USA and France
Warsaw pact
Set up by ussr, in response to NATO, which stalin saw as aggressive containing all communist Eastern European nations. Ussr were the only country to hold nuclear weapons
Arms race
Ussr tested first atomic bomb in 1949
USA built a hydrogen bomb in 1952, ussr then built their own. By 1960, both USA and ussr’s military budgets were high. Both sides were MAD so neither fired weapons.
Space race
Started with launch of sputnik in 1957 - USSR Satellite
Then laika was sent to space by USSR
1961 - Yuri Gaharin, first man in space, USA not far behind
JFK announces that they will land on the moon by end of decade - 1961
1969 - moon landing (usa)
1975 - joint space mission between USA and ussr
Stalin died 1933. After death and several leaders Nikita Khrushchev denounced methods by stalin leading to the end of his cult personality.
U2 crisis and Paris peace summit
Gary powers shot may 1st 1960 after photographing USSR weapon development. Sentenced to 10 years, increased tensions
USA and USSR were going to meet in Paris to discuss anti-proliferation of nuclear weapons, it was cancelled. Both countries continued to spy on eachother.
Hungarian uprising
Soviet satellite state. Hungarian leader killed in 1949 for lack of loyalty to stalin, replaced by Rakosi who was loyal to stalin
Khrushchev comes to power and de-stalinised russia - 23rd October 1956, uprising began. Navy announced as leader, promised reforms and freedom. Soviets attacked but withdrew. Seemed like a Hungarian victory as they wanted to leave Warsaw pact. Khrushchev did not want Hungary to be free. Sent society army in, killed innocents. America did not respond.
Berlin Crisis
- Following first Berlin crisis, tensions were still high. Thousands were defecting from East Berlin to west Berlin everyday. August 13, East German troops closed border. Replaced with concrete after a week, lasted till 1989
Cuban missile crisis
America supported old leader, batista. 1959 - castro took power, ejected all us business from Cuba. America refused to buy sugar or coffee as a result. Khrushchev wanted to use Cuba to Bully USA.
Prague spring
- Life in Czechoslovakia was difficult - poverty etc. Soviet satellite state, controlled By USSR. Wanted reforms, ussr said no, leader forced to resign,replaced by Dubcek, because he was communist. Dubcek started reforms. Soviet tanks invaded Czechoslovakia, Killed hundreds. Because USSR killed many, people started to lose faith in communism.
Reasons for detente
Nixon’s visit to China
Human rights
Detente talks
Test ban treaty 1963
Nixon Doctrine 1968
Helsinki agreement 1975
After ww11, Korea split into and northern communist nation and southern capitalist nation (38 parallel)
June 1950 - North Korea invaded South, hoping to take country for themselves, USA encouraged UN to help push North Korean forces back
Sep 1950 - General macarthur and his troops pushed north into China
Nov 1950 - macarthur suggested using a-bomb on China and was fired. China and North pushed UN forces beyond 38 parallel
July 1951 - war ends in stalemate, ceasefire signed in 1953. 38 parallel became iron curtain
After french were forced out of Vietnam on 1954, uss feared if it went communist domino theory would happen.
1954 agreement - divided Vietnam, North was communist, south was run by non-communist dictator. 1964 - us claimed USS Maddock attacked North Vietnamese communists. Used to convince Congress to declare war.