Perv Dev Lesson 8,9,10 Flashcards
is the process of realizing capabilities, unleashing potential, and
achieving goals, personally and professionally.
Personal Development
You must be willing to
pursue the journey of personal growth by becoming more self-aware and
Personal Development
is a powerful process that can enable deep positive and lasting change to
how we see ourselves and the world.
Personal Development
is the conscious pursuit of personal growth by
expanding self-awareness and knowledge and improving personal skills.
Personal Development
is a broad and complex concept.
Defined by Merriam-Webster as the state of being related or interrelated
Refer to close connections between people, formed by emotional bonds and interactions.
Personal relationships
Relationships are not what?
Relationships are not static; what does it mean?
Relationships keep on evolving
There are three
kinds of personal relationships:
is an essential component in any
discussion of relationships, but this varies greatly from person to
defines family as “two or more
persons who are related by birth, marriage, or adoption and who
live together as one household.”
The Bureau of the Census
In the Philippine Statistics Authority, it is defined as “as a group
of persons usually living together and composed of the head and
other persons related to the head by blood, marriage or
can provide
as much comfort and support as traditional forms. (e.g.
Single-Parent Family, Blended Family, Cohabitating Parent
Family, etc)
Non-traditional family structures and roles
can be thought of as a close tie between two people
that is often built upon mutual experiences, shared interests,
proximity, and emotional bonding. Friends are able to turn to
each other in times of need.
____________ social-network researchers and authors of the book
Connected, find that the average person has about _________ close
ties—though some have more, and many have only one or none.
Nicholas Christakis and James
Fowler; six
Note that ______________ don’t count toward close ties—research
indicates that a large online network isn’t nearly as powerful as
having a few close, real-life friends.
Online Friends
Including marriage, are close
relationships formed between two people that are
built upon affection, trust, intimacy, and romantic
Romantic partnerships
We usually experience this kind of relationship
with only one person at a time.
Romantic partnerships
are a vital component of
health and wellbeing.
Healthy relationships
Significance of Personal Relationship
Healthy relationship are a vital component of health and wellbeing.
There is compelling
evidence that ______________ contribute to a
long, healthy, and happy life.
strong relationships
Dan Buettner’s Blue Zones
research calculates that committing to a life partner can add 3 years to life expectancy (Researchers Nicholas Christakis and James Fowler have found that men’s life expectancy benefits from marriage more than women’s do.)
Live Longer
Dan Buettner’s Blue Zones
research calculates that committing to a life partner can add _____________ expectancy (Researchers Nicholas Christakis and James Fowler have found that men’s life expectancy benefits from marriage more than women’s do.)
3 years to life
research calculates that committing to a life partner can add 3 years to life expectancy (Researchers Nicholas Christakis and James Fowler have found that men’s life expectancy benefits from marriage more than women’s do.)
Dan Buettner’s Blue Zones
The support offered by a caring friend can provide a buffer against the effects of stress.
Deal with stress
In a study of over 100 people, researchers found that people who completed a stressful task experienced a faster recovery when they were reminded of people with whom they had strong relationships.
Deal with stress
According to research by psychologist Sheldon Cohen, college students who reported having
strong relationships were half as likely to catch a common cold when exposed to the virus. In addition,
2012 international Gallup poll found that people who feel they have friends and family to count on are
generally more satisfied with their personal health than
people who feel isolated.
Be healthier
According to research by psychologist ______________, college students who reported having
___________ were half as likely to catch a common cold when exposed to the virus.
Sheldon Cohen, strong relationships
In addition,______________ found that people who feel they have friends and family to count on are
generally more satisfied with their personal health than
people who feel isolated.
2012 international Gallup poll
A survey by the National Bureau of Economic Research of 5,000 people found that doubling your group of friends has the same effect on your wellbeing as a 50% increase in income!
Feel richer
A survey by the ____________ of __________ people found that doubling your group of friends has the same effect on your wellbeing as a 50% increase in income!
National Bureau of Economic Research, 5000
Loneliness has long been commonly associated with ___________, and now research is backing this correlation up: a 2012 study of breastcancer patients found that those with fewer satisfyingsocial connections experienced higher levels of depression, pain, and fatigue.
The authors of the same study also found a correlation between loneliness and immune system dysregulation, meaning that a lack of social connections can increase your chances of becoming sick.
Decreased immune function
a lack of social connections can increase your chances of becoming sick.
Decreased immune function
University of Chicago researchers who studied a group of 229 adults over five years found that loneliness could
predict higher blood pressure even years later, indicating that the effects of isolation have long lasting consequences.
Higher blood pressure
_________ who studied a group of _________ adults over five years found that loneliness could
predict higher blood pressure even years later, indicating that the effects of isolation have long lasting consequences.
University of Chicago researchers, 229
According to psychiatrists________________________, social alienation is an inevitable result of contemporary society’s preoccupation with materialism and frantic “busy-ness.” Their decades of research support the idea that a lack of relationships can cause multiple problems with physical, emotional, and spiritual health. The research is clear and devastating: isolation is fatal.
Jacqueline Old’s and Richard Schwartz
According to psychiatrists Jacqueline Old’s and Richard Schwartz, social alienation is an inevitable result of contemporary society’s preoccupation with materialism and frantic “busy-ness.” Their decades of research support the idea that a lack of relationships can cause multiple problems with physical, emotional, and spiritual health. The research is clear and devastating: _______________
isolation is fatal.
Connect with your family
One of the biggest challenges for families to ___________ is the busy pace of life. But Blue Zones research states that the healthiest,
longest-living people in the world all have
something in common: they put their families
first. Family support can provide comfort,
support, and even influence better health
outcomes while you are sick.
Connect with your family
Connect with your family
One of the biggest challenges for families to stay
connected is the_______________. But _____________________ that the healthiest,
longest-living people in the world all have
something in common: they put their families
busy pace of life, Blue
Zones research states,
Connect with your family
One of the biggest challenges for families to stay
connected is the_______________ states. But _____________________ that the healthiest,
longest-living people in the world all have
something in common: they put their families
busy pace of life, Blue
Zones research ,
Can provide comfort,
support, and even influence better health
outcomes while you are sick.
Family support
is one of the most accessible positive
emotions, and its effects can strengthen
friendships and intimate relationships. One 2010 study found that expressing gratitude toward a partner can strengthen the relationship, and this positive boost is felt by both parties—the one who expresses gratitude and the one who receives
Disagreement, Betrayal, Quarrel happens, but deciding
on how to handle the hurt significantly affects the
Learn to Forgive
___________, head of the Stanford Forgiveness
Project, says it’s easier to let go of the anger or hurt
feelings associated with a circumstance if you remind
yourself that much of your distress is really coming
from the thoughts and feelings you are having right now
while remembering the event – not the event itself.
Fred Luskin
It is also important to be accepting of the other person
in the relationship.
Accept Others
It is also important to be ________ of the other person
in the relationship.
Gallup researchers Jim Harter and Raksha Arora found that people who spend 6-7 hours per day socializing (which could mean hanging out with friends, sharing meals with family, or even emailing a colleague) tend to be the happiest.
Spend the Right Amount of Time Together
Gallup researchers_________________ found that people who spend ____________ hours per day socializing (which could mean hanging out with friends, sharing meals with family, or even emailing a colleague) tend to be the happiest.
Jim Harter and Raksha Arora, 6-7 hours per day
Gallup researchers_________________ found that people who spend ____________ hours per day socializing (which could mean hanging out with friends, sharing meals with family, or even emailing a colleague) tend to be the happiest.
Jim Harter and Raksha Arora, 6-7
refer to the connections that exist between people
who have recurring interactions that are perceived by the participants
to have personal meaning.
Social Relationships
refer to the connections that exist between people
who have recurring interactions that are perceived by the participants
to have personal meaning. «Who said this?»
(August & Rook, 2013).
is the process of reciprocal influence exercised by
individuals over one another during social encounters.
Social Interactions
Usually it refers
to face-to-face encounters in which people are physically present with
one another for a specified duration.
Social Interactions
is defined as change in an
individual’s thoughts, feelings, attitudes, or
behaviors that results from interaction with
another individual or a group.
Social Influence
Social influence
is distinct from __________________
conformity, power, and
Occurs when an individual expresses a particular opinion
or behavior in order to fit in to a given situation or to meet the
expectations of a given other, though he does not necessarily hold that
opinion or believe that the behavior is appropriate.
Is the ability
to force or coerce someone to behave in a particular way by controlling
her outcomes.
Is power that is believed to be legitimate
(rather than coercive) by those who are subjected to it.
are unspoken rules. Like the unwritten laws of middle
school, implicit expectations are enforced by group norms.
Implicit expectations
Which occurs when you voluntarily change your behavior to imitate the
behavior of your peers.
Or expectations from a group about how certain people are supposed to
look and behave
Social Roles
Are clearly and formally stated— not at all subtle.
Explicit expectations
Occurs when you behave in response to a direct or indirect request.
Occurs when you behave in a particular way because someone of higher
status has ordered you to do so
Is a type of social influence
defined as a change in belief or behavior in response to real or
imagined social pressure.
Conformity/Majority Influence
When people agree outwardly but dissent inwardly. It involves a change
in behavior but not necessarily in attitudes. People engage in ______________ to gain
specific rewards and/or avoid specific punishments.
is a type of social influence defined as a change in belief or behavior in response to real or imagined social pressure. It is also
known as majority ____________
Conformity, influence.
When people are influenced by someone who is liked and respected.
People adopt a specific behavior (and maybe a change in attitude) because it is
associated to the desired relationship (________________).
Identification, Kelman, 1958
It occurs when someone
conforms to the demands of a given social role in society.
publicly changing behavior to fit in with the group while also
agreeing with them privately. An internal (private) and external (public) change of
This is the deepest level of conformity were the beliefs of the group become
part of the individual’s own belief system.
Occurs when a small group (minority)
influences the opinion of a much larger group (majority). This can
happen when the minority behaves in the following ways.
Minority Influence
Moscovici stated that being consistent and unchanging in a view
is more likely to influence the majority than if a minority is inconsistent and
chops and changes their mind.
stated that being consistent and unchanging in a view
is more likely to influence the majority than if a minority is inconsistent and
chops and changes their mind.
When the majority is confronted with someone with
self-confidence and dedication to take a popular stand and refuses to back
own, they may assume that he or she has a point.
Occurs when a small group (minority)
influences the opinion of a much larger group (majority). This can
happen when the minority behaves in the following ways.
Minority Influence
Able to adjust and adopt.
If they appear flexible and
compromising, they are likely to be seen as less extreme, as more moderate,
cooperative and reasonable. As a result, they will have a better chance of
changing __________
majority views.
Plays a major role in leadership.
The action of leading a group of people or an organization.
(Merriam-Webster, n.d.)
the ability of a person
in position of authority to influence others to behave in such a
manner that goals are achieve.
The ability of a person
in position of authority to influence others to behave in such a
manner that goals are achieve.
_________ defined leadership as the ability of a person
in position of authority to influence others to behave in such a
manner that goals are achieve.
Chester Barnard
Is also annexed to leadership as espoused by French and Raven (1960) who said that a leader may obtain ________
through various means and sources, such as position,
giving reward/punishment, expertise, respect, or coercion.
Power is also annexed to leadership as espoused by _______________ who said that a leader may obtain power
through various means and sources, such as position,
giving reward/punishment, expertise, respect, or coercion.
French and Raven (1960)
Leadership Theories
Top traits that leaders say are vital to good leadership
Strong Ethics
Great self-organizational skill
Efficient learner
Nurtures growth in employees
Fosters connection and belonging
help explain how leaders harness and develop
these traits. Recently leadership theories have been more
formalized, making them easier to understand, discuss,
and analyze in action.
Leadership Theories
focuses on how leaders behave,
and assumes that these traits can be copied by other leaders.
The behavioral leadership
it suggests that leaders aren’t
born successful, but can be created based on learnable behavior.
The behavioral leadership
focus heavily on the actions of
a leader—this theory suggests that the best predictor of
leadership success is viewing how a leader acts.
The behavioral leadership
sometimes called situational theory,
focuses on the context of a leader.
Contingency Theory
A leader’s effectiveness is directly
determined by the ______________
situational context
is a leadership style that places emphasis on change and transformation. Leaders who adopt this approach strive to inspire their followers to achieve more than they ever thought possible by tapping into their
individual potential.
Transformative Leadership
Style focuses on delegating initiative to
team members. This is generally known as one of the least intrusive forms of
leadership, this literally translates to “let them do”. This is therefore considered a
very hand-off leadership style.
Delegative Leadership/Laissez-Faire
Are often referred to a visionary. Leaders who adopt this style consider themselves mentors to their followers.
Authoritative Leadership
Not to be confused with authoritarian leadership, authoritative leadership places more emphasis on a
“follow me” approach.
Authoritative Leadership
Authoritative leadership is clearly very hands-on, but
leaders must exercise caution not to _____________
Often referred to as managerial leadership, is a
leadership style that relies on rewards and punishments. This leadership style has a
clear emphasis on structure, assuming individuals may not possess the motivation
needed to complete their tasks.
Transactional Leadership
Sometimes referred to as democratic leadership,
participative leadership is a leadership style encouraging leaders to listen to their
employees and involve them in decision-making process. This leadership style
requires leaders to be inclusive, utilize good communication skills and crucially,
be able to share power/responsibility.
Participative Leadership
Suggests that good leaders are born. They have innate
traits and skills that make them great, and these are things that
can’t be taught or learned. The trait theory suggests that leaders
deserve to be in their position because of their special traits.
Great man theory
Focuses on supervision, organization, and group
Management Theory
Is a system of rewards and
punishments, and transactional leadership is regularly used in
business. When employees do something successful, managers
reward them.
Transactional leadership
Isn’t as common in the corporate world.
Sometimes called democratic leadership, this leadership theory
suggests that employees be directly involved in decision making in
their organization.
Participative leadership
The leader simply facilitates a conversation and then takes all the suggestions, and comes up with the best possible
action. In this theory, everyone is very involved with decisions for the
team and organization, with the leader simply helping direct the
Participative leadership
This theory looks at the way a leader utilizes their power and
influence to get things accomplished.
Power Theory
_____________ is a commonly known power theory of
leadership. It looks at positional power and personal power and
how they impact leaders choices and outcomes.
French and Raven’s Five
Forms of Power
This comes from the belief that a person has the formal right to make demands, and
to expect others to be compliant and obedient.
This results from one person’s ability to compensate another for compliance.
This is based on a person’s high levels of skill and knowledge.
This is the result of a person’s perceived attractiveness, worthiness and right to others’
This comes from the belief that a person can punish others for noncompliance.
This results from a person’s ability to control the information that others need to
accomplish something.
The ____________ of leadership focuses on leaders who are mainly
concerned about their interactions with others.
relationship theory
You can’t be leader without followers.
Leadership is relational.
What is required of the leader depends on the situation or context.
Leadership is situational.
Leadership throughout the organisational on a daily basis is badly needed.
Leadership is everywhere.
Leadership throughout the organisational on a daily basis is badly needed.
Leadership is everywhere.