Perception, Prejudice, and bias Flashcards
A model of attribution theory that describes three pieces of information that influence our judgment of how to attribute behaviors: consensus, distinctiveness, and consistency
Kelly’s covariation model
Kelly’s covariation model
The extent that other people behave the same way in a similar situation
Do other people behave this way?
Kelly’s covariation model
The extent to which the person in question behaves the same way in a similar situation
Does this person behave this way in a similar situation?
Kelly’s covariation model
The extent to which the person in question behaves the same way every time in this exact situation
Does this person always behave this way?
an overgeneralization of a belief that all members of a group share certain characteristics
When exposure to a negative stereotype becomes a self-fulfilling prophecy and affects performance
Example: If girls are told that “girls are bad at math” they will perform worse on math tests
The existence of stereotypes leads to reinforcing behaviors of that stereotype
Example: The stereotype of “rude New Yorkers” leads people in Manhattan to act ruder
Self-fulfilling prophecy
Disapproval or dislike of a specific person or group based on perceived differences compared to the rest of society
Stigma fueled by stereotypes (cognition), prejudices (emotion), and discrimination (behavior)
social stigma
When social stigma results in the internalization of negativity and feeling of rejection from society
self stigma
Having a preconceived belief about individuals or groups based on their group membership
Stereotype vs prejudice
Stereotype represents a specific assumption while prejudice represents a generalized attitude
Prejudice vs discrimination
Prejudice represents a general attitude while discrimination represents treating people unequally based on their group membership
Frustrations can get channeled into prejudice and aggressive behaviors against a group
Example: Losing your job may lead to prejudice against minority immigrants
Frustration aggression hypothesis
Those who are lacking compared to others will experience collective unrest, increasing prejudice
Example: Economic deprivation leads to prejudice
Hypothesis of relative deprivation
Certain personality types such as authoritarian personalities are more prone to prejudice
In this case prejudice is used to protect their ego and avoid their own insecurities
Personality type hypothesis