Perception, prejudice and bias Flashcards
What is Attribution Theory
this is a theory that explains the behaviours of other people by breaking down our understanding of their behaviours to factors about them and related to their environment.
- Internal - something that is related to them
- External- something that is related to their situation
WHen it is our own behaviors we associate it to external factors
what is the optimism bias?
The belief that bad things happen to other people not us
What is the covariance model? Kelley’s covariance model
- Consitency
- Distinctiveness
- Consensus
The more consistent behaviour is the more likely we say that it is internal. When someone deviates one time from this behaviour we say that it is situational.
Distinctiveness= situational
What is the actor-observer bias?
We see ourselves as victims of our circumstances but we see others as actors in their predicament.
It is different in different cultures:
- Individualistic cultures: success is attributed to internal factors
- Collectivist cultures: success is attributed to external factors
What is the self-serving bias?
Is is the belief that when we succeed at something it is do to external factors but when we succeed it is due to us.
More prominent in individualistic cultures
What are stereotypes threats and self-fulfilling prophecies?
- Stereotypes: overgeneralizing the thought or cognition in a certain group
- Stereotypes threats: self-fulfilling fears that one may be evaluated on the stereotypes attributed to them can affect results in a test.
- Self-fulfilling prophecy: people with a certain stereotypes can start behaving along the lines of that stereotype due.
What is the role of emotion and cognition in prejudice?
People tend to be prejudice because they are frustrated about aspects of their lives
- thus scapegoat is who the prejudice is applied to
What types of personality tend to have prejudice?
- Authoritatian personality: they have a hard to change personality they listen to authoritarian figures but treat “scape goat bad” KKK
What is the Frustration Aggression Hypothesis?
- This a concept that state when you are frustrated with where you are at you may become prejudices and displace that frustration somewhere else.
What are the hypotheses of relative deprivation?
You can also become prejudice if you are deprived of something that you feel entitled to
What is social and self-stigma?
- These are extreme disapproval /discrediting of individuals by society
Social stigma: can be mix with other things like stereotypes or prejudices or discrimination
Self-stigma: the individual internalize all the negative stereotypes associated with them ( HIV and denial that they have the condition)
What are the 4 categories of social circles stigma?
- Self: an individual that is stigmatized and can lead them to avoid the situation, denying the existence of the condition and no longer participating in society.
- Familly: the family can be shunned and they may shun the individual themselves. Therapy is important
- Society: Where the interactions between the self and society happen, this can affect individual well-being. Legislation and laws help
- Media ( important society): a major source of stigma because it can depict various conditions as dangerous and fuck with people’s mind.
- Alll these are related
What is social perception and primacy and recency bias? and the recency bias?
- Primary bias: has to do with first impression and how they are important because along the way of someone getting to know you they may use things to support their original idea of the first impression of you.
- Recency bias: people may use your recent action to create a judgment of who you are more strongly than actions beforehand.
What is the Halo Effect?
- Hallo effect to look at people as either good or bad rather than their characteristics
Pretty privilege or the Physical attractiveness stereotyope
- People who are attractive are perceived as good.
What is the just-world hypothesis?
- Related to social perceptions
- Related to the law of karma that evil pays for what they do and good people pay for what they do.
Helpful: help to rationalize their good misfortune
when this hypothesis is threatened we can now use rational techniques
- Accept reality
- prevent or correct injustice
Or irrational techniques can also be used
- denial of the situation
- re-intepreting the events
What are Ethnocentrism and Cultural relativism?
(in group and outgroup?)
- Ethnocetrisim: is when you judge someone else culture from the position of your own culture - viewing our own cultures to be superior to others ( Nigerians do that a lot) this can lead to cultural bias and prejudice
- Culture relativism: judge a culture from within, understanding that the moral of a person can come forth from his culture