Pelvic embryology Flashcards
definitive kidney
where does pronephros develop
cervical region
where does mesonephros develop
thoracic and lumbar regions
2 parts of metanephros
excretory system, collecting system
collecting system of metanephros develops from
ureteric bud
ureteric bud sprouts from
mesonephric duct
excretory system of metanephros develops from
intermediate mesoderm surrounding ureteric bud forming metanephric blastema
components of collecting system
ureter, renal pelvis, calyces, collecting ducts
components of excretory system
capillaries that grow into distal ends of nephrons
vesicle or tubule that produces urine the process of removing waste from blood
pelvic kidney
doesn’t extend cranially like it should
horseshoe kidney
inferior ends of kidneys fuse and drift up together until stopped by IMA
bifed/double ureter
ureteric bud bifurcates before metanephric blastema forms
ectopic kidney
crosses over to the other side during ascension
thoracic kidney
kidney ascends too far
multiple renal arteries
persistence of accessory renal arteries that usually degenerate
multiple renal arteries can lead to
renal ischemia
when are kidneys functional
12th week
oligohydramnios is a sign of
bilateral renal agenesis
potter sequence
oligohydramnios causing compression on the fetus by the uterus
Ssx of potter sequence
limb deformities, dry/wrinkly skin, facial anomalies, pulmonary hypoplasia
caudal end of hindgut
urogenital sinus formation
urorectal septum (mesoderm) divides the hindgut into urogenital sinus and anorectal canal
bladder and urethra are formed from
urogenital sinus
connects apex of bladder with umbilicus
allantois becomes
urachus becomes
medial umbilical ligament on posterior aspect of anterior abdominal wall
hindgut abnormalities occur when
the urorectal septum does not form correctly
urachal fistula, urachal cyst, urachal sinus caused by
persistence of a lumen in the urachus
urine coming out of the umbilicus is a sign of
urachal fistula
how are gonadal ridges formed
primordial germ cells migrate from yolk sac to intermediate mesoderm medial to the mesonephros
the indifferent stage starts
week 6
mesonephric ducts aka
Wollfian ducts
mesonephric ducts become
epididymis, vas deferens, seminal vesicles
paramesonephric ducts become
uterus, uterine tubes, upper vagina
male primitive sex cords become
testis cords
male primitive sex cords at the hilum become
rete testis
male mesonephric tubules become
efferent ducts
female primitive sex cords become
somatic support cells and then follicle cells
how are prostate and bulbourethral glands formed
bud off urethra
how are seminal vesicles formed
bud off mesonephric duct
how is trigone formed
lower end of mesonephric ducts are incorporated into bladder
how are uterus and upper vagina formed
caudal ends of paramesonephric ducts fuse
how are uterine tubes formed
they are the unfused paramesonephric ducts
uterine and vaginal anomalies result from
problems with the development of paramesonephric ducts
no fusion of paramesonephric ducts leads to
double uterus, double vagina
partial fusion of paramesonephric ducts leads to
double uterus, bicornate uterus
medial walls of paramesonephric ducts fail to resorb
septated uterus
incomplete development of one paramesonephric duct
unicornate uterus
paramesonephric ducts resorb too much
cervical atresia
what each embryo has during indifferent stage
genital tubercle, urogenital folds, labioscrotal swellings, anal folds
female genital tubercle becomes
female urogenital folds become
labia minora
female labialscrotal swellings become
labia majora
male urogenital folds and genital turbercle
fuse and genital turbercle becomes shaft and glans of penis
male urogenital fold fusion forms
penile urethra
labioscrotal swellings form
penile hypospadias
urogenital folds don’t fuse completely
glands hypospadias
abnormal canalization of urethral plate within glans penis
urethral orifice opens into the dorsal surface of the penis
epispadias is associated with
exstrophy of bladder
testis fails to descend after birth
processus vaginalis forms the
inguinal canal
processes vaginalis closes to become
tunica vaginalis
testicular torsion
twisting of spermatic cord crimping testicular artery
testicular hydrocele
fluid between parietal and visceral layers of tunica vaginalis
many indirect inguinal hernias arise from
incomplete closure of processus vaginalis
female gubernaculum becomes
ligament of ovary and round ligament of uterus
round ligament of uterus extends into
labia majora
broad ligament of uterus formed when
peritoneal folds covering the paramesonephric ducts fuse