Patient Information Flashcards
Routes of entry of toxic chemicals included
Absorption through skin or mucous membranes
Material safety data sheets (MSDS)
must be available
Radiographers should be familiar with their contents & warning
MSDS provide direction for the following
Handling precaution
Safe use of the product
Clean up & disposal
Who should be scheduled earlier?
Geriatric (elderly)
Diabetic pt (need insulin)
Who should be scheduled first?
Exams not require contrast agent
Pt with NPO
Endoscopy procedure should be scheduled?
1st in a series of procedures
Who should be scheduled last
Barium study
What is TORTS?
Violations of civil law
Personal injury law
Provide for compensation for injury
Touching w/o consent
Radiographing the wrong pt or wrong body part
Threatening pt
Threatening pt or causing pt to be apprehensive
Striking pt
Perform radiograph against pt will
Invasion of privacy
Violation of confidentially of information (discuss pt care in public)
Unnecessary or improper exposure or touching pt
“Unintentional misconduct”
Omission of reasonable care
based on doctrine of the reasonably prudent person
Reasonably prudent person
How a reasonable person with similar education, training, & experience would perform the act
Respondeat supervisor means
“Let the master answer”
Gross negligence
Acts that demonstrate reckless disregard for life or limb
Standard of care was involved by the radiographer
Injury was caused by radiographer who is being sued
Injury actually occurred & is a result of the negligence
Res ipsa loquitur
“The thing speaks for itself”
Legal doctrine stating that cause of the negligence is obvious
Ex: forceps left inside a pt during surgery
Valid consent/informed consent
Pt must be mentally competent
Consent must be offered voluntarily
Pt must be adequately informed & must be of legal age
Requires radiographer & RT to explain carefully in lay term pt can understand, all aspects of procedure & risk involved.
Clear & comfortable communication
Establishing this with the pt is of paramount importance
Verbal communication
Must be clear & in a language the pt understand
Nonverbal communication
Conveys the radiographer’s attitude & demeanor
Radiographer must be aware of age, gender, race, ethnicity, sexual, tranditional vs. nontraditional families, nuclear vs. extended families, marital status, socioeconomic background, political beliefs, religious, geographic, physical or mental disability.
Patient education
Radiographer must understand the role of pt educator & be able to answer basic questions regarding to MM, NM, CT, MRI, DEXA, US
Intentional misconduct included
Assault, battery, false imprisonment, invasion of privacy, libel, slander
Written information that results in defamation of character or loss of reputation
Orally spreading false information that results in defamation of character or loss of reputation
Writing of clear statements regarding the patient’s condition
Reaction to contrast agents
Amount of contrast material injected
Legal documents
Must include pt identification
Anatomical markings (left or right marker)
Date of exposure
Implied consent
Provides for care when pt is unconscious
“Health Insurance Portability & Accountability Act”
Medical facilities must put in place policies & procedures regarding the release of pt information
Do Not Resuscitate order/ No code
May be placed on file when the quality of life has seriously declined or pt condition is terminal
Advance directive
pt provides directives regarding medical care before becoming incapacitated
Durable power of attorney
pt provides for another person (personal representative) to make decisions regarding medical care if pt is unable to communicate
Exam GI/urinary system
Low-residue diet; NPO for 8-12 hrs before procedure; cathartics & enemas used to cleanse GI system; pt must clearly understand to routine for proper preparation
Question to ask pt history
How did your injury occur When it happed Where is your pain Do you have tingling or numbness Do you have any weakness Do you unconscious after injury Why did your physician order this exam Have you experienced a fever or heart problem Nausea, vomiting, or diarrhea