Pathomechanics of the Foot Flashcards
Abnormal Motion of the foot
Abnormal Pronation
Abnormal Supination
Restricted motion (1 or more joints ROM inadequate for normal locomotion, maybe caused by destructive joint disease, trauma, muscle spasm or contracture, congenital coalitions of bone)
Abnormal Pronation of the foot
a) to compensate for an osseus abnormality within the foot
b) to compensate for osseus or soft tissue abnormality extrinsic to the foot
c) in response to forces which load the medial side of the foot prematurely
d) as a result of muscle imbalance caused by neuromuscular disorders
e) as a result of tonic muscle spasm initiated by pain in the articular or periarticular tissue
Osseus abnormality within the foot - abnormal compensatory pronation
most common cause of pathology within the foot
Deformities of the foot which are compensated by abnormal pronation of the foot
i) forefoot varus
ii) rearfoot varus
iii) forefoot valgus
iv) lateral postural instability during propulsion by a plantarflexed 1st ray
v) plantarflexed 5th ray
Forefoot varus
Very common cause of abnormal compensatory pronation
Forefoot is inverted positon relativ eot hindfoot
Pronation through STJ allows forefoot to evert until medial side touches the ground
Foot remains in pronated position during early propulsion making it very unstable and prone to trauma
Forefoot valgus
Opposite of forefoot varus
Forefoot is everted relative to hindfoot
Everted position causes less pronation to occur during midstance
At heel lift, forefoot deflects to lateral side of causing lateral instability
To avoid inversion sprain, pronation occurs at the STJ to compensate
Pronation occurring during propulsive phase makes foot unstable and vulnerable to trauma
Common in pes cavus type foot
Plantarflexed first ray
Presents and acts like a forefoot valgus
Rearfoot varus
Heel inverted relative to lower 1/3 of leg when subtalar joint is in neutral position
Normally entire foot will present inverted as foot follows the heel into inversion
Pronation must occur early in stance to bring medial side of the heel and forefoot to the ground
Foot is more pronated earlier in stance
Tibial Varum (Bow legs), how it affects the foot
Foot is inverted and adducted as it bears weight
Necessitating pronation fo hindfoot to bring forefoot foot to the horizontal
Compensatory pronation may leave the foot hypermobile and structurally unstable during propulsion
Internal tibial and internal femoral torsion
Foot tries to avoid “pidgeon toed” alignment by abducting the foot on the leg
Accomplished by subtalar joint pronation (Abduction is component of pronation)
Gastrocnemius shortening
Shortened Achilles tendon resists dorsiflexion at the ankle
As tibia moves over foot, castroc resists dorsiflexion, GRF pronates STJ and midtarsal joints to produce dorsiflexion component of pronation in these 2 joints
This is how tight heel cord is implicated in plantarfasciitis
Factors prematurely load the medial side of the foot
- extreme obesity
- external femoral torsion or external tibial torsion
- Rearfoot valgus
External femoral torsion/External tibial tortion
foot more externally rotated than normal
Forward progression of body weight causes forces to be prematurely supported by medial heel and of the foot
Alignment causes eversion of the heel, pronates the foot excessively
Rearfoot valgus
Heel everted relative to lower leg when subtalar joint is in neutral
Heel already in everted position, foot predisposed to excessive pronation
Muscle Imbalance caused by neuromuscular disorders
Good example of this spastic peroneus brevis, very strong pronator of STJ, when in spasm, overpowers tib post, foot pronates abnormally at STJ
Tonic Muscle Spasm
Trauma and inflammatory disease (RA), can stimulate pain receptors producing tonic muscle spasm, which splint the joint thus preventing unwanted motion
Forefoot deformity caused by abnormal STJ pronation
If foot is in pronated position during propulsive period in stance, entire foot becomes hypermobile
Most distal osseus segments become most unstable
Pathological subluxations develope at metatrsus and phalanges
Hallux abductovalgus Hallus limitus Hallus rigidus Splayfoot Tailor's bunion ( 5th MTP joint)
!st MTP Joint Deformities
Abnormal STJ pronation causes subluxation of the 1st MTP joint
Transverse plane - Hallux Abductovalgus
Sagittal plane - Hallux Limitus/Rigidus
May also be caused by RA, gout, any degenerative joint disease, trauma
Hallux Abductovalgus
Abnormal STJ pronation is primary cause of most hallux abductovalgus deformity
Progressive deformity
Hypermobile 1st metatarsal head inverts relative to the hallux
Valgus subluxation of hallux at MTP joint
Base of prox phalanx subluxes laterally on 1st MTP joint
Hallux abducts, presses into 2nd toe
1st ray may also sublux at its base, 1st metatarsal adducts, increasing severity of deformity
Heredity and Shoe fit may also play a role