Pathology of Hemopoietic System Flashcards
3-12 spicules of uneven length derived from disorders in lipid metabolism
present in fibrotic states of marrow, hemolytic anemia, and result of certain drugs
develop from decrease in hemoglobin that result in relative membrane increase
conditions associated with codocytes
hemoglobinopathies, iron deficiency anemia, liver disease and cirrhosis
also seen in circumstances during increase of membrane after decrease in hemoglobin
leptocyte and microcytes
develop from premature release of red cells usually in periods of erythropoietic stress like in hemolytic anemia and hyperthyroidism
common in vascular diseases, DIC, thrombotic thrombocytopenic purpura
there is central thickness recognized in peripheral blood smears
major causes of spherocytosis
membrane depletion, accelerated red cell aging, immunohemolytic anemia
origin is removing red cell inclusion
ill-defined, red cells with variable forms from spherical to almost rod like
increase in red cell mass
reduction of normal red cells or hemoglobin concentration per unit volume of blood
three causes of anemia
hemorrhage, hemolysis, erythroid hypoplasia
develops from membrane damage and mechanism involves trapping of red cells in circulation by fibrin
what does regenerative anemia indicate
hemorrhage or hemolysis
erythroid hypoplasia or aplasia indicates
non regenerative anemia
it is the increased numbers of circulating reticulocytes or immature erythrocytes
increased bone marrow erythropoiesis
comprises the leukocytes carried in circulation
circulating pool
leukocytes present in periphery blood vessels
marginal pool
increase in concentration of packed cell volume and hemoglobin concentration in the peripheral blood
leukocytes awaiting differentiation and release in bone marrow and lymphoid tissues
marrow pool
general increase in number of leukocytes in circulation
reduction in the amount of cells produced in bone marrow that are in circulation
phytotoxicities that cause bone marrow depression
bracken fern poisoning
drugs that depresses the bone marrow
phenylbutazone, estrogenic drugs
abnormal proliferation of fibroblasts in marrow cavity
peripheral disorder associated with faulty maturation, development, and cell division
myelodysplasia, dysmyelopoiesis
hall mark of regenerative anemia except for horses
abnormal proliferation of marrow cell lines and may include myelodysplasia and neoplasia
myeloproliferative disorder
chracterized by presence of leukemia, with enlargement of liver and spleen as prominent feature
myeloproliferative disorder
enlargement of lymph node common in most septicemic disease conditions
enlargement of nodes draining areas of inflammation; included are follicular hyperplasia, paracortical and medullary cord packed with plasma cell
lymphoid hyperplasia
associated changes include abnormal morphology of marrow cell, presence of blast cells in circulation, infiltration of extramedullary tissues
most common neoplasia of lymph nodes where there is reduction in sizes
reduction of nodes due to lack of germinal centers and paracortical T cells
immunodeficiency diseases
reduction of nodes characterized by hypocellularity of the
cortex and medulla
lymphoid exhaustion
single largest component of reticuloendothelial system
localized enlargement of spleen
splenomegaly, splenic mass
causes necrotizing splenitis
salmonellosis, viral diseases like canine hepatitis, splenic infarction, gas forming anaerobes
reduction of lymph nodes due to aging
senile atrophy
eosinophils splenitis is observed in
hypereosinophilic syndromes in dogs and cats
splenitis in association with chronic disorders such as infectious canine hepatitis, erhlichiosis, pyometra, brucellosis, and hemobartonellosis
lymphoplasmacytic splenitis
splenitis present during systemic mycosis and in some mycobacterial infections
granulomatous splenitis
splenic mass due to hyperplasia of the reticuloendothelial and lymphoid components
hyperplastic splenomegally
cause congestive splenomegaly (4)
tranquilizers and anesthetics, portal hypertension due to RCHF, obstructed vena cava, infiltrative splenomegaly