Parasites Flashcards
what are the two different classifications of parasites
what is a protozoa
what is a metazoa
unicellular animal like parasites
helminths or multicellular parasites
what are the 3 different types of protozoa
characteristics of each type
amoebae - motile by pseudopodia
flagellate - motile by flagella
sporozoa - non motile
what are the 3 different types of metazoa
characteristics of each type
nematodes - round worms
trematodes - flat worms or flukes
cestodes - flat or tape worms
what groups of parasites are considered flat worms or platyhelminthes
trematodes (flukes) and cestodes (tape worms)
what group of parasites are considered to be nemathelminthes
nematodes (round worms)
what is the only amoeba we talk about and what disease does it cause
entamoeba histolytica
what two forms does entamoeba histolytica exist as
whats the difference
trophozoites - active and motile - irregular shape with pseudopodia
cysts - resistant and nonmotile - spherical shape with 4 nuclei and mass of glycogen
when a cyst forms a trophozoite, what is this called?
when a trophozoite forms a cyst, what is this called?
how does entamoeba histolytica infection occur
ingestion of mature cysts in fecal contaminated water, food, hands, insects
cysts will convert to trophozoites via excystation and then multiply producing more cysts and trophozoites
what is the infective form of entamoeba histolytica
cysts are the infective form
NOT trophozoites (which are responsible for pathogenicity)
what is the life cycle of entamoeba histolytica
ingest cyst (infective form) in contaminated food or water
cysts go to small intestine where excystation occurs
(cyst –> trophozoite)
trophozoites migrate to large intestine where they multiply by binary fission and produce cysts via encystation
what is the cause of amebiasis
what are the symptoms
entamoeba histolytica
bloody diarrhea
will end up leading to liver abscess and RUQ pain
what are the flagellate parasites
trichomonas vaginalis
giardia lambiia
what are the sporozoa parasites
toxoplasma gondii
what parasite causes vaginitis
trichomonas vaginalis
trichomonas vaginalis causes
vaginitis foul smelling* green discharge* itching burning
how is trichomonas vaginalis transmitted
what parasite causes hikers diarrhea
giardia lambiia
what disease does giardia lambiia cause
hiker diarrhea or giardiasis
foul smelling diarrhea
fatty mucousy diarrhea
what parasite causes bloating, flatulence, and foul smelling diarrhea
giardia lambiia
contain 4 pairs of flagella
how is giardia lambiia transmitted
cysts in water
what are the different types of trypansoma
- cruzi
- gambiense
what is the parasite that causes chagas disease
trypansoma cruzi
what is the vector or insect that causes trypansoma cruzi/chagas disease
kissing reduviid sand fly or bug
what is the parasite that causes african sleeping sickness
trypansoma gambiense
what is the vector or insect that causes trypansoma gambiense/african sleeping sickness
tsetse fly bite
what organ does chagas disease affect
what parasite causes kala azar
what is this disease also called
leishmania donovani
black fever
what is the vector or insect that transmit leishmania donovani
sandfly bite
what are the different types of sporozoa
toxoplasma gondii
what is also known as beaver fever
- hikers diarrhea from drinking stagnant stream water
what are the symptoms of kala azar or black fever
what parasite causes severe diarrhea in AIDS patients and mild disease in non HIV (watery diarrhea)
how is cryptosporidium transmitted
cysts in water
what parasite causes toxoplasmosis
toxoplasma gondii
what parasite causes miscarriages in first trimester and birth defects
taxoplasma gondii
what parasite is transmitted via cat feces or uncooked meat
toxoplasma gondii
how is toxoplasma gondii transmitted
cat feces or undercooked meat
what parasite is most common form of malaria
what is the most deadly or fatal form
MC - plasmodium vivax
MD - plasmodium falciparum
what form of malaria can cause black water fever
plasmodim falciparum
most fatal form of malaria
what parasite causes malaria
what is the vector for plasmodium vivax
female anopheles mosquito bite
most common form of malaria
injects sporozoites into human blood which then multiply as merozoites inside RBCs
where does malaria parasite replication take place
replicates in RBCs
what are the symptoms of malaria
anemia - affects RBCs
chronic splenomegaly
what is the infective stage of malaria
what stage of malaria occurs where is spreads throughout body and creates pathogenicity
what is the infective form of giardiasis
what are the different types of nematodes
ascaris lumbricoides
necator americanus
enterobius vermicularis
stronglyoides stercoralis
trichuris trichuria
trichinella spiralis
onchocerca volvulus
wuchereria bancrofti
loa loa - eye worms
what is the plasmodium associated with convulsions
plasmodium falciparum
ascaris lumbricoides is what kind of nematode
round worm
necator americanus is what kind of nematode
enterobius vermicularis is what kind of nematode
strongyloides stercoralis is what kind of nematode
trichuris trichura is what kind of nematode
trichinella spiralis is what kind of nematode
pork roundworm
what is the vector that carries onchocerca volvulus
simulium blackfly bite
what nematode causes river blindness
onchocerca volvulus
what vector causes river blindness
simulinium blackfly bite
via onchocerca volvulus
what nematode causes elephantiasis
wuchereria bancrofti
what vector causes elephantiasis
aedes aegypti mosqutio
via wuchereria bancrofti
what vector carries the nematode wuchereria bancrofti
aedes aegypti mosquito
what nematode causes eye worms
loa loa
what vector carries the nematode loa loa
mango or chrysops fly bite
what nematode is carried by the mango or chrysops fly
loa loa
where is loa loa commonly found
west central africa
which parasite is associated with filarial worms
wuchereria bancrofti
causes elephantiasis
inverted flask shaped ulcers of large intestine are associated with what parasite
entamoeba histolytica
what is the most common roundworm in the US
enterobius vermicularis
what nematode or roundworm is found in the soil and penetrates the skin of bare feet
necator americanus
strongyloides stercoralis
what roundworm is transmitted by undercooked meat
trichinella spiralis - pork worm
not taenia because thats a tapeworm
what parasite is caused by infected freshwater that penetrates skin while swimming or standing in water
what is the intermediate host
what are the different types of trematodes
clonorchis sinsensis
paragonimus westermani
what organs are mainly affected by
schistosoma hematobium -
schistosoma mansoni -
schsitosoma japonicum -
chinese liver fluke is another name for
clonorchis sinsensis
how is clonorchis sinsensis or chinese liver fluke transmitted to humans
ingestion of raw undercooked, raw, smoked, pickled freshwater fish
what roundworm is transmitted by ingestion of contaminated food or water with feces
ascaris lumbricoides
what tapeworm is acquired after eating undercooked pork
taenia solium
what roundworm is acquired after eating undercooked pork
trichinella spiralis
what is a tape worm associated with anemia (B12 to be specific)
what cestode or tape worm is found in beef
taenia saginata
what cestode or tape worm is found in pork
taenia solium
what cestode is the largest fish tapeworm and located in fish of canada and alaska
what parasite is the smallest and is considered the dwarf tapeworm
hymenolepis nana
what are the cestodes or tapeworms
hymenolepis nana
echinococcus granulosus
what cestode causes hydatid disease because it contains hydatid cysts
echinococcus granulosus
where do tapeworms reside
small intestine
what parasite is associated with sheep raising areas and could be related to contact with contaminated dog/canine feces
echinococcus granulosus
what is a chlorine resistant cyst
crytosporidium parvum
what is scotch tape test for
enterobious vermicularis
walking on a beach
nector americanus