Papillary Thyroid Cancer Flashcards
Mc gene
Glial derived neurotropic factor(GDNF)
RET/PTC mutations
Fine needle aspiration cytology
Psammoma bodies
Orphan annie eye nuclei
Nuclear grooving
<40-45 yrs
No lymphovascular invasion
No distant metastasis
Total thyroidectomy
Level 6 lymph node
Total thyroidectomy+central neck dissection
Level 6+ other node
TT+CND+modidied radical neck dissection
Prophylactic level 6 clearance before thyroid surgery should be done in the presence of
T3 T4 tumour
Identify residual or metastatic disease of PTC
Whole body iodine scan
Requirements for iodine scan
Conventional preparation for iodine scan
Don’t give thryroxine for 4-6 weeks
Newer meathod for iodine scan preparation
Recombinant TSH injection
2 injec
2 days
What to do when Residual disease present after PTC treatment
Radioidoine abalation
50-100 millicuries
Indications for single dose of radioiodine abalation
Positive lymph nodes
Extracapsular spread
Residual disease
Persistently high Thyroglobulin
No residual disease
Follow up
6 monthly-usg neck, serum tg
When to suspect recurrence
Serum tg >2ng/ml
Tumour marker for DTC
Thyroglobin is not a reliable marker in
Hashimoto thtroiditis(anti thyroid antibody)
Treatment for Tumour resistant to radio iodine abalation
External beam radio therapy
Follicular variant of paipillary tumour
Lindsey tumour